She bites her lip and I shove my hips forward, filling her in one long, deep thrust.Fucking hellthe feel of her all around me with nothing in the way this time is unreal. She leans forward and cries out into my shoulder, digging her nails into my lower back with one hand and gripping the edge of the dresser with the other. I laugh when I realize what she’s doing: trying to be quiet.
“I hate to break it to you, baby, but there’s no way I’m letting you be quiet tonight.”
With that promise, I begin to move, thrusting my hips and pounding into her hard and fast, the way I know that she loves. She holds on to me, scratching and biting and arching her hips to meet mine. The drawers rattle but thankfully the thing doesn’t bang too loudly against the wall, but honestly, at this point I couldn’t care less. I hook my elbows beneath her knees, tilting her back and spreading her wider, hitting an even deeper angle. She braces herself but with the sounds she’s making, I don’t dare let up.
“AJ, oh God, don’t stop…right there…” She throws her head back and cries out as she tumbles over the edge.
“Ah, fuck, can feel you coming…” I grit my teeth, not ready to be done yet. I pick her up again and sink to the floor, settling her over my lap, still feeling her spasming gently around my cock. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls my face to hers for a deep, searing kiss. She grazes her palm over my cheek, rolling her tongue against mine in a slow, sexy rhythm as she starts rock her hips.
“That feels so good,” she moans against my lips, and I wrap the length of her hair around my fist, pulling gently to tilt her head back so I have better access to her throat. I lick and kissand nip as she rides me, slow at first but then building speed. I use my other hand to help wrench her back and forth harder, needing everything she can give me.
“God I missed this. I missed how good you feel, how good we feel together,” she says between gasping breaths. I kiss my way back to her lips, sucking her bottom one between my own.
“I missed you too, Nat. I missedevery. Last. Inch,” I croak, punctuating each word with a tug on her hips. She pants, digging her nails into my shoulders with one hand but sliding her other to brush her fingers over my pendant. She settles her palm over it, right over my heart. I cover her hand with mine for a second, and then meet her eyes. “Show me how much you missed me, baby. Remind me how much you love riding this cock.”
“AJ,” she groans, half plea, half prayer, entirely sexy. She whips her hips faster and I rock mine as I wrench her downward. “Almost…don’t stop…fuck, fuck, fuck…”
She comes apart again and this time I capture her scream with my mouth on hers, kissing her like I’ve dreamed of these weeks without her. She doesn’t stop rocking her hips, thank fucking God, and I’m about two seconds from letting myself go completely.
“Nat,” I manage to bite out, “do you want me…to pull out…” God, I’m so close. I focus all of my energy on holding out a few more seconds. I need her answer, I need her to tell me.
“No,” she breathes. “No, AJ. I want you to comejust like this.”
“FUCK!” I call out as that tight shiver runs up my spine and I come hard and fast, buried deep inside her, giving her everything I have. It’s fucking ecstasy. After a few more seconds, I collapse backwards onto the floor, pulling her with me to lie against my chest. We’re both slicked with sweat and breathing like we just ran a marathon.
“Holy shit,” she pants as I run my hands up and down her back. “That was…holy shit.” My lips curl upwards.
“You said that already.”
She laughs lightly before rolling off of me to sprawl on her back beside me. She reaches over and grips my hand, squeezing gently.
“What are the odds that your parents are mostly deaf and didn’t hear any of that?”
“Not good,” I tell her honestly, and chuckle when she covers her face with her hands, groaning. I somehow manage to stand and tug her hands away, pulling her up beside me. “Come on, you. It’s time for a shower.”
Her eyes light up at that and she goes up on her tiptoes to kiss me again before sauntering towards the bathroom door, putting an extra little roll in her hips just to drive me crazy, I know it.
The shower turned into her finishing what she started in the living room and me returning the favor while she sat on the built-in tiled bench. Now, we’re snuggled up in my bed, her back to my chest and my arms wrapped tightly around her. If she’s nervous about sleeping together for the first time—likeliterallysleeping—she’s doing a damn good job of hiding it. I should probably be freaking out a bit too, honestly, but I’m not. I feel perfectly content at the thought of going to sleep with Nat in my arms and waking up the same way.See, I tell myself.This relationship thing isn’t that scary after all.
I kiss her temple and she sighs, leaning down to kiss my forearm where it’s wrapped around her chest and my lips quirk.
“You freaking out?” she asks, reading my thoughts from just a moment ago.
“Nope,” I assure her. “I wouldn’t let you leave now for a million bucks, Nat. Butyouwere the one that flipped last time I suggested a slumber party, if you recall. So…how are you feeling?”
“Ok, that’s fair. But you couldn’tmakeme leave for a million bucks,” she says sleepily, and I can hear the smile in her voice.
“Good night, Nat.”
“Night, AJ,” she says with a big yawn.
I glance at the clock and smile. It’s after midnight. I lean in and kiss her once more before whispering in her ear, “Merry Christmas.”
With that, I drift off to sleep happier than I can ever remember being.