Page 44 of Puck of the Irish

“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. If it’s…too much. I won’t be upset or anything, I promise. I can drive you home—” She pushes up onto her tiptoes and cups my face, running her palms over my two-day stubble. She presses her lips to mine to shut me up. I tug her more fully against me and she moans quietly, slowly sweeping her tongue against mine.

“I want to stay,” she says before biting gently on my lower lip, making me groan. “Besides, I do believe we have…thingsto continue. Things that were interrupted earlier…” She curls her fingers into the top of my jeans and tugs me even closer with her grip on my belt buckle, making her point crystal fucking clear.

“Mmmm,” I rumble against her mouth, sliding my hands up her back and deepening the kiss. I can feel her heart hammering against my chest and my cock is suddenly very, very interested in the conversation. “Think you can be quiet, Natalie?” I whisper against her skin as I kiss along her jaw and down her throat. She gasps and shivers.

“I…make…no promises,” she pants, holding me to her, silently begging me not to stop. I better or I’ll fuck her right here in the middle of the kitchen—which I plan to do at some point, but maybe not when my parents are upstairs on Christmas Eve. I laugh against her throat and drag her earlobe through my teeth before pulling away and picking her up quickly, making her yelp.

I throw her over my shoulder, give her ass a playful swat that makes her giggle, and head to my room. I shut the door behind us and slide her down my body. She’s panting, eyes wide and hungry, and fuck if she’s ever looked so beautiful. I grip the bottom of her sweater and tug it up, and she immediately raises her arms to let me pull it off of her. The t-shirt comes next and I take a minute to groan in approval of the sexy, red lace bra she has on. She reaches out and pushes my shirt up roughly and I chuckle at her greediness as I reach back and grip the neck, pulling it off and tossing it to the floor. She runs her hands over my chest, lingering on my new tattoo that I know damn well she thinks is sexy, and down my stomach. My muscles flex under her touch, greedy for more.God I’ve fucking missed this.

“I can’t decide where I want you first,” I say quietly as she unhooks my belt and unbuttons my jeans. She reaches inside thefly and runs her palm over my aching shaft. I groan roughly and grip her nape with one hand, settling the other on her hip.

“What are your options?” she breathes, slowly moving her hand, stroking and driving me to near insanity.

“Well, there’s the bed…the wall…” I gnash my teeth and tear her own jeans open, shoving them down her thighs and tunneling my hand beneath her lace panties. She cries out when I sink a finger inside. “Fuck, Nat. So wet already.” She makes a sexy little whimpering sound and I pump my finger in and out in time with her strokes up and down my cock. I don’t think I’ve ever been so hard, it’s verging on painful already.

“Then there’s the other wall…or the other…the floor…the bench…the shower…Dear Goddo I have plans for you in this room—this whole fucking house—Natalie.”

“Don’t write checks your ass can’t cash, Thirst Trap,” she rasps, rocking her hips onto my hand, begging for more. I oblige, sliding in a second finger and making her groan loudly. She strokes faster, harder, and I really wonder for a second if we’re both just going to finish like this. Hell, I’d be fine with it—it’s hot as hell. But, no, on second thought, there are other things I want to do right now instead.

I grin and push the heel of my hand against her clit, making her buck her hips and gasp loudly.

“Is that a challenge, Nat? You know how I deal with challenges…”

Her eyes flutter open and she meets my gaze. Her lips slowly curl upwards and I know the answer. I slam my lips to hers then, my control completely frayed and the intensity of my need burning like fire in my blood. I shove her panties down her thighs and she steps out of her jeans, kicking them away. I pick her up again, claiming her mouth as I walk her across the room. Her back hits the dresser and I lift, setting her atop it. She spreads her thighs and I settle my hips between them.Thank God this thing is the perfect fucking height. Imighthave eyeballed it for that very reason in mind when we were in the store. Sue me.

I reach behind her to unclasp her bra and she throws it to the floor after she tugs the straps down her arms. I immediately dip my head and latch my lips around one nipple, swirling my tongue before sucking hard.

“Ah, fuck!” she cries, burying her fingers in my hair and holding me exactly where she wants me. I’ve missed this so damn much. The feel of her. The way she isn’t shy to demand what she needs. How my entire body craves hers in a way I’ve never experienced before. I would normally draw this out, play and tease and make her come at least twice before I sank my cock deep inside her, but I don’t think I can do any of that right now. The desire clawing inside me is like an animal, frenzied and feral, and it won’t remain caged for long. We’ve had sex before,amazingsex, but this is something more now. We’re together. We’re starting something here, or at least trying to, and that makes this different. It makes it important. It ignites a fiery, desperate passion in my chest that I think might consume me completely if I’m not careful.

“Need you,” I pant, moving to kiss her again and running my hands over her breasts and down her sides, palming her ass. “Can’t wait much longer.”

“Good, me either. I’ll cash in the belt buckle later,” she says, a smile in her voice. “Fuck me, AJ.NOW.” Her words send a shudder down my spine and turn the blood in my veins to pure fire. No, not even fire. Lava. Molten and unstoppable.

“So demanding, Natalie…”

She groans in annoyed impatience against my lips and I chuckle.

“Hang on, gotta grab a rubber?—”

“You don’t have to,” she says quickly and I freeze, quirking a brow. She chews on her lip. “Well, I’m on the shot and you said you haven’t been with anyone else since we started hooking up, right?”

“Swear to God. And I get tested regularly. Kind of a requirement of being a responsible man-whore and all.” She laughs lightly. I don’t want to ask but I do.

“And you haven’t either?” If she has, it’s fine. It was her right. We weren’t anything to each other but friends. Still, I hold my fucking breath while I wait for her to answer.

“Yes,” she admits and even though I said it would be fine, my heart sinks. “I mean, no. No!” she quickly corrects. “I tried, once. I thought maybe if I just bit the bullet and hooked up with someone else it would get you out of my mind. We kissed for all of twenty seconds and it was horrible.” She shudders and curls her lip up and I can’t help but laugh at her expression. “I’m serious. It was like kissing a gorilla. I bolted.”

I reach out and brush the hair from her temple, sliding my palm along her cheek.

“And did it?” I ask in a low, husky voice, “get me out of your mind?”

“Not even close,” she says with a sigh. “I don’t think anything could do that, AJ.” I lean in and kiss her then, my heart thundering in my chest. She pulls back and holds my gaze. “So, with all that said…I want you with nothing between us.”

“Fuck me,” I say quietly.

“That’s the plan,” she says with a sexy little grin. I press her knees farther apart and shift her ass closer to the edge. I grip my cock and position the head in the right spot, hissing in a quick breath between clenched teeth when I meet wet heat. I never, ever have unprotected sex. Ever. This is a first and dear God I think I might not be able to last. No. Absolutely not. Anthony Fucking Rizzo is no two-pump chump. I’ll last if it fucking killsme. I take a deep breath to ready myself, mentally preparing just like I would for a game. Everything is just a matter of focus, whether it’s sex or handling a puck.

“You might want to hold the fuck on, Nat.”