Page 42 of Puck of the Irish

“Don’t make me wait, Nat. For the love of fucking God, don’t make me wait…” His muscles are clenched tight and a slight tremor runs through his entire body. God is he as desperate as I am right now?Impossible.But he must be damn close with the way his breath hitches and his pulse races at his throat. I grin as I trail my hand down his chest where it joins my other one, poised at the hem of his jeans. I grip them and his underwear together and start to tug them down—only for the doorbell to ring.

“You have got to kidding me,” he barks out, clearly annoyed as hell. “I’m going to kill whoever is at that door…”

I sigh and pull back, knowing that only a few people would be allowed through the gate, and a sharp sting of fear goes through me at the idea of something being wrong down at Hattie and Shep’s place.

“Go check, what if it’s?—”

“Shep. I know, I know. I’m going.” He eyes me for a moment, the hunger and yearning in his eyes making a shiver run through me. “Later,” he promises, pinching my chin between his thumb and forefinger in that incredibly sexy way that makes almost every bit of self-control leave my body. He sighs and releases me, grumbling as he adjusts himself and puts his pants back to rights, grabbing his shirt from the floor and tugging it on. I standand smooth my hair down. Whoever is at the door better be glad they showed up when they did because a few more seconds and there would have been no stopping this for anything, of that I am painfully aware. The heat flowing through me is like a living, breathing thing, stalking inside me and demanding release. I literally ache, and I clench my thighs tightly to try to assuage it. It does absolutely no good, of course.

To my utter delight, he grabs my hand and tugs me with him to answer the door. I lean into his side as he swings it open, trying not to think the worst. My brow furrows when I see two strangers on the doorstep…but no, not complete strangers. They look familiar…

“Mom? Dad?” AJ breathes. “What the…what are you doing here?” I drop his hand and take a step away so he can wrap his arms around his parents on the porch. “You aren’t supposed to be here until after New Years.” He’s surprised but I can see the absolute joy in his eyes at seeing his parents here.

“With everything that’s happened with Shep, we decided to postpone our trip and come out here instead. We thought it would be a nice surprise…” His mom’s eyes shift to me and I give her a somewhat nervous smile. “Oh goodness, did we interrupt something…?”

“No! No, not at all.” I feel my cheeks heat and AJ gives me a flirty look.

“Mom, dad, you remember my friend Nat?”

“How could we forget the first girl you’ve had on a FaceTime call with us in...ever?” his dad says, stepping forward and wrapping me in a big hug. I’m surprised but smile, hugging him back.

“Hello again Just A Friend Nat,” his mom says with a warm smile, stepping in to give me a hug as well. We both laugh and AJ runs his hands through his hair. She pulls away and eyes mysweater and I look down. Oh God.Thisis what I’m wearing when I officially meet his parents for the first time?Fucking hell…

“Oh, uh…”

“Hilarious,” she assures me. She glances to AJ and purses her lips. “And is that a…mistletoe belt buckle you have on, dear?” The more she speaks, the more I can hear the undertone of her accent. Ray nearly chokes on his laughter and AJ rubs a hand over the back of his neck.

“It was a gag gift,” I say, scrunching my nose, suddenly worried that they’re going to think I’m an awful person or something.

“Equally hilarious,” Muriel laughs heartily. “I’m honestly surprised he doesn’t own one already.”

I let out a relieved sigh-slash-laugh and meet AJ’s eyes. He winks and I feel myself relax.

“Well come in outta the cold. Let me grab your bags. I mean it, dad. Leave it and get inside,” he warns and I can’t help but smile. Ray holds up his hands in surrender and walks further into the foyer, Muriel on his heels. I glance back as AJ grabs the bags from the porch and he gives me an apologetic look. I shake him off, letting him know it’s fine. I turn back to the others.

“Can you I get you a drink? Kitchen and living room are right this way,” I say gesturing. They walk ahead of me,ooingandaahingabout the house as they go and I take a deep, settling breath.

Christmas with his parents.

So much for no pressure.



Well this is…unexpected.

I’d been excited to see my parents on my doorstep, don’t get me wrong, but I’d also been worried that it would be too much for Nat. I mean, we literally just said no pressure and we’d take things slow and thenBAMshe’s in the middle of a family reunion not five minutes later. But she’s taking it completely in stride and has assured me no less than ten times that she’s totally fine. I know she’s good at hiding her feelings, but I don’t think she’s hiding anything now. She really is totally fine. Happy even.

She and Ray were instant friends from the second she made him a perfect Manhattan and they figured out they share a love of old Westerns, and mom can’t stop grinning like she knows some big secret. They seem to really like her and the feeling of utter joy of all of us being here together, playing Pictionary beside a beautiful Christmas tree in my first real home…well, it’s not something I’m taking lightly.

“Ok, ma, I need you to focus, alright? Wecannotlet them beat us.”

“You mean beat you worse than we already are?” Nat chimes in and I cut a murderous look her way. I’m trying really fucking hard to keep my competitiveness in check, but it’s not easy. Ray laughs and they bump fists. They are, admittedly, killing us. I turn back to mom and point to my eyes.

“Focus on me. Right here. You got this.”

She nods and stands at the dry erase board that Nat had insisted I get for Ollie’s room. Turns out it was a great buy and works perfectly for game night. Mom looks at her card and nods again, perfectly confident.