Page 33 of Puck of the Irish

“It really is.”

“Thank you, for helping to save it.” She blinks in surprise. “I don’t think I’ve ever said it, but I mean it. I don’t know what I would have done if the team got sold, honestly.”

“Oh,” she says softly, her gaze holding mine before drifting slowly to my lips. “I’m glad you aren’t going anywhere…” I feel it, that undeniable force between us, demanding and pulling and?—


“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”

We both jump as if electrocuted, jerking our heads towards the commotion, only to realize that no one was yelling atus.

“Oh, shit,” Nat breathes, and my chest squeezes uncomfortably as we watch Mac watch Emery (the surprise blind date Kasey brought for Shep) kiss him under the mistletoe.Mac looks like someone just punched her right in the stomach. She quickly bolts from the dance floor, but no one else seems to notice—they’re all whooping and hollering and egging Shep on. I know without a doubt that he’s not into it and I feel bad for the guy. Nat gives me a worried look and I nod, telling her I understand, and she rushes off to find Mac.

Shep pulls away and smiles at Emery, though it isn’t a real one, and gives her anexcuse me for one secondgesture. He storms my way, looking shocked and upset and uncomfortable.

“Drink?” I ask, turning to fall into step beside my best friend and knowing exactly what’s going through his mind. He saw Mac’s face before she bolted. He knows how upset she is. He’s thinking he might have just fucked everything up before it even got a chance to begin.

“Make it a double.”

Mac does a great job of acting fine the rest of the night, but knowing her as well as I do, I can tell that she’s actively avoiding Shep. Not that I blame her. I’m pretty much doing the same thing with Nat. As the night starts to shift from swanky, sophisticated Christmas party to Saturday night in the club, I see her preparing to make her exit and I head her way. I need a little break myself after watching Nat laugh with some tool from Accounting. Ok, I know that’s not fair. He’s probably a perfectly nice guy, but right now, I don’t want to see him making Nat laugh like that, or watch her lay her hand on his arm so casually. I don’t think that I’ve ever been jealous in my life, but right now, I’m beyond jealous of the dude. I grind my teeth, knowing I’m being absolutely ridiculous, so I bee-line for Mac. I need to get out of here for a while.

“You leaving?” I ask low in her ear and she jumps a little, making me grin. She swats at my chest but nods.

“I think I’m all partied out for the night.” I follow her gaze as she watches Shep across the room talking to Howey and his wife,the two looking…off. I know they hit a rough patch not too long ago, but they’ve been trying to work out it out. I’m not sure how well it’s going based on that body language—both of them look like even standing near each other is uncomfortable as hell—but props to them for trying I guess. Mac quickly pulls her eyes away and focuses back on me.

“Well, allow me to accompany you. I need to grab something from my room.” I hold out my arm and she laughs before wrapping hers around it, and we head towards the doors.

“Is the thing you need to grab from your room your balls to just suck it up and go after Nat again already?” she murmurs quietly, leaning into me.

My mouth drops open. “I…I mean, it isn’t…I tried…She’sthe one who…” I can’t even get a handle on my thoughts to get a full sentence out, and Mac laughs.

“Figure it the fuck out, my friend,” she says with a sympathetic pat on my chest.

“Back at you, Mac,” I say pointedly. I know exactly how much she loves Shep, and exactly how much he loves her back. I know they’re both scared but if they can’t figure it out…well, what the fuck hope doIhave with Nat?

“I wish I could,” she mutters as we leave the ballroom. She gives me a hug bye before getting off the elevator on her floor. I didn’t actually need anything from my room, but I don’t really know that I feel like partying anymore either, so I head on up anyway. I walk in and yank off my tie, unbuttoning the top couple of buttons of my shirt before collapsing on the bed. I tuck my hands behind my head and stare at the ceiling.Figure it the fuck out, my friend.

“Easier said than done, Mac,” I mutter, and let thoughts of Nat lull me into a restless sleep.



“You knowyou two are disgusting, right?” I tease Hattie as we watch Shep walk into the locker room—after a very public display of affection. The two of them have been in that early relationship stage ever since the Christmas party where they can’t keep their hands off of each other and they’re so cute that you want to puke just watching them. At least the night had ended well for someone.

I’d tried to ignore AJ—Rizzo, I remind myself for the hundredth time. AJ was a secret name for when things were maybe heading somewhere. Rizzo is the name for my platonic friend. I’d tried to ignoreRizzoand had failed. I’d tried to flirt with some new guy in Accounting that I can’t even remember his name and that had felt terrible. I’d searched for Rizzo and when he was nowhere to be found, my heart had sank, thinking the worst and assuming he’d found someone else to take to his bed for the night. I’d gone to my room and admittedly cried myself to sleep. Not my finest moment. I still haven’t figured out exactly why I freaked out so much that night as his apartment otherthan the intense fear of being hurt. I guess that’s the answer, really, just a fear of getting my heartbroken. That’s never actually happened before. I’ve had a few semi-serious boyfriends over the years, butI’dbeen the one to break things off every time…ah shit, I realize with a start. I’d dumped each of them when things started to shift into serious-serious.

Oh God, I really am the one with the commitment issues, not Rizzo.

And I’d freaked out because I knew without a doubt that I wouldn’t be the one to walk away from Rizzo. If we started things, I’d be in the for the long haul and give him the power to break my heart. Not just break it, but fucking shatter it, because…I’m already in love with him.Shit, shit, shit.This is a lot to process all at once so I force all of these big revelations away and focus back on Hattie.

She grins at me and winks. “I know, I know…but ask me if I care.”

I laugh and bump her shoulder. “I’m really happy for you, you know that right?”

“Thanks, Nat. It’s felt like such a long time coming even though we’ve only known each other a few months, but,” she sighs and runs her hand through her long brown hair, “it feels like I’ve known him forever. He’s like my other half and I know how annoying and cliché that sounds.” She wrinkles her nose, making us both laugh again. “But it’s true. I can’t help it.”

“Oh, hey, Roman! Question time!” I call to the bruiser before he walks into the locker room. He grins and trots over.