Page 18 of Puck of the Irish

No. No, no, no.

I skate faster than I’ve ever skated in my life, reaching him in a heartbeat and sliding on my knees on the ice, shoving a Kodiak violently to the side, not giving a shit if he’s hurt too, which is probably fucked up of me but I don’t care. The refs are trying toget us all back, telling us to give everyone breathing room, but fuck them.

“Shep? Shep!? Fuck, come on, Con, answer me.” Nothing. He’s out cold and there’s a dark streak on the ice beneath him that I know is blood. My stomach lurches. Hockey is a brutal sport. Injuries are common and blood is par for the course, but seeing your best friend in the world down like this is different. I’ve seen guys never walk away from hits like this. I have the wherewithal not to touch or shake him, but I move my hands restlessly over him, uselessly trying to figure out something to do to help. “Connor, God damn it, you can’t do this to us.Come on…”

Our athletic trainers finally make their way over and this time I let them force me back. Jules helps me up and I see that he has a nasty cut across his brow, blood pouring down his face.

“You need to get that looked at,” I tell him, though the words sound like they’re coming from someone else, far, far away. I shift my gaze back to Shep. I don’t want to leave his side but I know I can’t help him. But what Icando?

Beat the absolute shit out of Figgy.

The bastard was one of the ones in the dog pile and all I can see is red. If he did this on purpose…

I throw my gloves off and skate at him like a freight train, not slowing even a little before plowing into him and clocking him right in the jaw. My momentum propels us a few feet until he hits the glass. He manages to stay mostly upright, so I grip the front of his jersey and pull him back towards me, rearing back to give him another. This one catches him right in the eye and is going to leave a nice shiner. I get in one more shot before he’s able to push me away, and it splits his skin on his cheek, maybe even cracks the bone. I grin at the sight of his blood, probably looking maniacal as fuck, but I don’t care. Several other sets ofhands finally pull me off of him completely, and whistles blow all over the place, but I don’t give a flying fuck.

“What the?—"

“Tell me you didn’t fucking do it, you sorry sack of shit!!” I scream around Nowski as he tries to keep me from jumping at Figgy again and ripping his throat out. “Tell me it wasn’t a cheap shot. I swear to fucking God, Figgy, I’ll end you right here on the ice if you did this on purpose!!” Part of me knows I’m not being entirely rational right now, but I can’t seem to listen to that part. I can only listen to the part that’s roaring in rage to cover up the fear and panic. If I listen to those, I’ll break down. No, the rage is much better.

“I didn’t!! Fuck, Rizz, I wouldn’t! I swear to God.” He wipes blood from his lip and glares at me, but there’s a hint of sympathy and worry in his eyes. “Jesus, I’m an asshole, but I wouldn’t do that and you fucking know it.”

“Rizzo, come on, man,” Roman says from beside me, tugging at my arm to pull me back. Nowski remains in place between me and Figgy in case I try again I guess. I glare at Figgy for one more long second but finally throw up my hands and turn away. But what I see makes my whole body go numb. The medics are on the ice now and they’re getting Shep strapped to a spine board.My heart roars loudly in my ears, my stomach feeling cold and hollow. He still isn’t fucking moving. He could be paralyzed or fucking dead for all I know?—

Then I remember Hattie. I whip around to where they’re sitting and our eyes catch for half a heartbeat. Hers are wide and filled with absolute terror, and if I didn’t know that she was in love with him before this moment, I sure as hell would know it now. That look…I shudder. I hope I never see that look again in my life.

And then she’s gone, turning and sprinting up the stadium steps like a bat out of hell. I see Bobby but not Nat. Where is she?I suddenly need my eyes on her. To know she’s ok or to calm me down or who the fuck knows why, but all I want in this moment is to see her. When I figure out that staring at the empty seat next to Bobby isn’t going to make her magically appear, I cut my eyes back to Shep, still lifeless but now loaded up on the spine board and being carried off the ice. My heart feels like it’s being squeezed by a giant fist and I know I need to fucking breathe but my brain and body don’t seem to be communicating.

“Rizz. Hey, Rizzo, look at me, man.” I force my gaze away from where they’re hurrying down the tunnel that leads to the training and locker rooms on the ground floor, and find Howey staring at me. He puts a gloved hand on my chest and holds my gaze. “Rizzo, you gotta breathe, man, you’re gonna pass out.” I blink and nod, knowing he’s right. I close my eyes and force my body to obey. It feels like it takes hours, but finally that fist around my heart loosens its grip enough that I can get some air into my lungs.

“He’ll be alright. He’s Shep, ya know?” Howey says, trying to smile but I can see the worry beneath it. “He’s like fucking Superman. Nothing can keep him down for long.”

I try to laugh but barely manage a grimace-like smile. Eventually everything settles back down and the game resumes. I do more time in the box for my attack on Figgy, and though I know we have to keep playing, it feels so wrong to be up here while Shep is…I swallow hard, forcing the thought away as I skirt around a couple of Kodiaks and manage to score another goal. We’ve still got the lead and though he’s no Shep, Rosie is a hell of a goalie. We’ll pull this out, I know it.

I look over again and still no Nat. No Bobby now, either. Maybe they’re both comforting Mac somewhere. I skate back to the bench during a time out and find Jules back from getting his brow patched up.

“He’s awake,” he says quickly, smiling, and I swear I take the first full breath I have since it happened. It feels like hours ago, but I know it’s only been a few minutes, really. “Awake and talking. They’re taking him to the hospital to get checked out, of course, but he was alert and everything. Talked to Mac.”

“She ok?”

He shakes his head. “She was shaken up real bad, man. I think she’s alright now, but she almost passed out I think. Kasey got her squared away, but yeah, she took it hard.” I nod in understanding and thank him for the update.

The time-out ends and now that I know Shep is ok—well, alive anyway—I’m ready to finish this.

“Let’s fucking go,” I tell Jules and we fist bump as he climbs over the wall and heads back towards the center line with me.



The game is crazy,but going good so far. I mean, no one has been outright ejected and the Vipers are up, so for now, that’s a big win. I’m on the hunt for drinks and cotton candy for the woman-child that is Hattie, and I wind my way through the crowd on the main concourse towards the concession stand where staff can get our goodies for free. Perks of the job and all that. The place is jam packed and while it’s frustrating when you’re really fucking thirsty, it’s amazing. It means that all the things Hattie is doing—well, all of us, but she’s the mastermind—are working. We’re going to save the organization and keep their asses right here in Seattle.

Just as I make it to the east side of the concourse one of the front office guys, Joey, comes towards me. I wave and smile.

“Hey, Joey,” I say when a family of eight finally passes and he can reach me.

“Hey, Nat, I was just heading down to the seats to find you.”

“Oh,” I say, brows flying up. “You were looking for me?” I figured he was just craving a beer and a hot dog. “What’s up?”