Page 12 of Puck of the Irish

Ollie is technically Shep’s niece, but he’s been raising her since she was four and officially adopted her last year. She’s his daughter in all the ways that matter and watching him go from fellow man-whore to doting dad was honestly really fucking admirable. I gave him shit for it, of course, but he knows that I love that kid as much as he does, and was all too happy that he left all the puck bunnies for me in order to be a better father to her. Ollie is another reason I’m so thankful that Mac and Nat and Bobby have been able to turn things around for the Vipers—if the team left Seattle, I don’t think Shep would follow and I’m honestly not sure if I would go somewhere without him at this point. He and Ollie have become my family and I can’t imagine my life without them.

“Maybe you’re just growing up,” Shep says, waving to what looks like an entire peewee hockey team.

“I’ve done no such thing!” I say, aghast. “Balls. Farts. Boobies. See—no grown-ups here.” He laughs, shaking his head and I grin at him.

“Imean, maybe you’re just getting tired of the game. Maybe you’re ready for something more than one-night stands from puck bunnies who just fawn over your abs or fame.”

“And chiseled jawline, don’t forget the chiseled jawline. And massive coc—” I get a quick jab in the stomach, effectively cutting me off. We both laugh but then I sigh. That night with Nat had been…different. I mean, she came to my place for one, that was fucking novel. And yeah, her being the one to leave was kind of hot, that’s true, but I also kind of hated it. I wanted her to stay. I wanted to fall asleep with her wrapped in my arms and wake up the same way. And wanting that was fucking terrifying. I have no idea what it even means. Do I want to…date her? Do I even knowhowto date someone?

“I don’t know.” Shep arches a brow and I know he can see right fucking through me. He’s always been able to, from the firstday we met. I roll my eyes. “Look, I’m not saying you’re right, but…maybe you’ve got a point.Maybe,” I emphasize when he gives me a triumphant smile. “But even if that’s the case, there’s no way that Nat will believe that I want more than just a hook up or fuck-buddies kind of thing.”

“Well, sounds like you’ve got some work to do then, my friend.” I groan and Shep grins, waving to the crowd like Miss Fucking America. We finally spot Mac, Nat, Ollie, and her grandparents and aunt, and everyone on the float goes crazy for Olls. The fact that this kid has an entire hockey team wrapped around her little finger is one of my favorite things about the Vipers. The way Shep looks at Mac, I honestly wonder how the fuck the entire crowd can’t tell that he’s in love with her. My friend has got it bad.

But they’re both dancing around it, playing the whole “don’t want to mess up the friendship” card. Which I get. I’d been worried about messing things up with Nat after we hooked up, and now even thinking about going again or trying for…more, makes me wonderwhat if. What if it doesn’t work out and she ends up hating me? What if we can’t stand to be in the same room as each other? What if she doesn’t want more with me…but starts dating someone else?Fuck. The thought of her with some other guy while I have to stand by and watch? I suddenly want to punch something.

And to make things even more fucking confusing, as much as the idea of being with her for more than just mind-blowing sex makes something in my chest ache for it, it also scares the absolute shit out of me. Part of me is already running for the hills at the thought.

“Come onnn, don’t bitch out on me! One more. Push it, ya posah!” Jules taunts encouragingly in his thick Boston accent while he spots me. I’m about to hit a personal record on bench and most of the guys are here cheering me on—or fucking with me.

“A hundred bucks says he can’t do it,” Howey says.

“I’ll take that action,” Mowser chimes in. “But make it two.”

“Fuck…off…” I grit through clenched teeth psyching myself up to do the last rep.

“Come on, Rizz. You got this,” Shep says from just over my right shoulder. I take a deep breath and lift the bar.

“Here we go, here we go! That’s it, baby, yeah…yeah…YEAH!!” Jules roars when I push the bar back up with all my might, and everyone erupts when he helps me slam it back onto the rack. I sit up and get pummeled by the guys. I wipe the sweat from my brow and grin at Howey.

“Pay the fucking man.” He rolls his eyes but gives me a fist bump. Everyone starts filing out of the gym, only having stuck around to see me try to break the record. Shep waits around though.

“You going tonight?”

“You know it. Can’t believe you’re gonna miss Jules and Howey trying to line dance.” We both laugh at the thought. Mac had found a little country bar with a dance floor on the outskirts of the city, and her little Louisiana-bred heart had practically soared out of her chest. She immediately demanded that the Sin Bin take on the Tipsy Cowboy and we’re always up for a challenge.

“I know, but I promised Olls a movie date.”

“Buy her some extra popcorn from Uncle Rizzo.”

“Will do. Please send me some video of this shit. Jules said he found boots.And a hat.”

“Oh this is going to be amazing.” We both laugh and he slaps me on the shoulder before he heads out, leaving me alone in the gym. I lay back on the bench for a few minutes, feeling good about the new PR, thinking about seeing Nat tonight and mentally preparing to keep myself in check, and going through plays for tomorrow’s game that’s sure to be a bloodbath. I finally sigh and hoist myself up from the bench. I wipe it down and toss the rag in the bin before picking up my shirt and turning towards the door?—

To find Nat standing there in a sports bra and skin tight leggings. Her eyes immediately dip to my bare chest, still slicked with sweat from my workout. I try to keep my eyes from roving over her stomach and hips. I don’t want to bethatguy at the gym but damn if it isn’t nearly impossible.

I head her way and she watches me come, seeming to forcibly yank her gaze up from my torso, inhaling deeply and swallowing hard.

“Hey, Nat,” I say casually, giving her my most winning smile.

“Hey, Rizzo,” she replies, a little breathy before she clears her throat. “Uh…good workout?”

“Great, actually. Hit a new PR on bench. Howey lost two hundred bucks. Can’t complain.”

She huffs out a laugh and then glances around the room. I can see it the second she realizes we’re alone. That palpable tension that always seems to show up between us snaps into place with an almost audible click. I know I shouldn’t but I take a step towards her. She reaches out and rests a hand on my stomach. She doesn’t push me away though, instead she splays her fingers, moving them gently over my skin, so I take another step closer. She moves back slowly as I move forward, her handnever leaving my stomach and burning me with her touch. If she minds me being all hot and sweaty, she doesn’t show it. Her back hits the door frame and I leave just enough space between us to drive us both crazy.

She runs her hands up my stomach and chest before brushing her fingers over the pendant at my throat. My eyes slide closed. I know this is exactly what I told myselfnotto do, but I can’t seem to stop. Despite my horndog reputation, I actually have incredible self-control when it comes to all things physical. But with Nat, all that control goes right out the fucking window.

“I’ve been replaying that night over and over, Nat. I can’t get you out of my head…”