“So, fuck me then! Just don’t forget to take it out this time!” my Lina Girl commands. I cock a brow.I fucking love this woman. My dick hardens further at the thought of entering her warm cunt so quickly after last night’s fuck fest.
“Ok,” I say menacingly as I quickly shove my length inside of her. It’s fast and hard, one of those fucks that feels good to sprint out before you start your day. After we finish, I make sure to remove the plug and massage her poor asshole as she cuddles into my lap. We sip our coffee together like it’s a normal day.
Like we aren’t planning to murder someone. As if it isn’t at the top of the To-Do List.
“Where’s your house key, Lina Girl? Some people are coming by to clean it today and we need to let them in,” I say as I pull my mug from my lips. She avoids my eyes.
“I’m not sure that house is my home anymore,” she admits quietly. I nod, understanding her sadness.
“You don’t have to go back there,” I assure her as she finally looks at me.
“That house used to mean everything to me, Bash. He took that from me. It was the one thing I had that made me feel safe. Like I had some semblance of control over my fucked up life and situation,” she says as her eyes fill with tears. “I have nothing now.”
“That’s not true at all. You’ve got me. This fear is real as fuck for you right now, but it’s temporary. We’re taking care of that shithead,” I snarl darkly. She leans into me, gripping her coffee mug as she nuzzles my chest.
“I’m terrified,” she whispers. I nod in acknowledgment, knowing she is. Knowing that I am. This could all go very wrong.
“Why don’t you worry for us both while I formulate a plan,” I reply as she looks at me concerned.
“Whatisthe plan, Bash?” she presses. I sigh heavily.
“I need to get a message out to everyone you work with. That I’ll pay anyone who turns over their weapons and walks away. Direct deposit, preferably. Cash if I need to make this a face-to-face exchange. No one has to do anything but leave Luke open and vulnerable. Maybe walk away carrying any extra weapons he has stashed around his house and the bar. I want to hit him hard, to make it personal and when he goes to retaliate, for him to realize he has nothing to come at us with. Literally,” I answer her.
“Hit him where?” she asks curiously.
“His home ideally, if you know the layout like I think you do.” She nods her head yes as her cheeks darken with embarrassment. My stomach is sick thinking of her being forced to spend time with that fuckhead there.
“Oh, I fucking know it,” she retorts as she looks at her coffee and snarls. I hold her to me to let her know that it’s ok. That I don’t care about what she’s had to do to survive.
I continue. “He’s expecting you again when?” I ask.
“Friday,” she replies. I nod, thinking.
“So, come Friday he’ll be expecting you to show up for work like nothing’s happened or changed. If you don’t, what do you think he’ll do?” I ask her, truly wanting to know, hoping my thought process is correct.
“He’ll come looking for me,” she says, as if it’s obvious. “Probably in a violent way.”
“Precisely,” I agree. Her face lights up.
“You want to gain access to his home, so when he comes back empty-handed because he can’t find me, we’ll already be there. Waiting for him,” she says with a devilish smile.
I nod my head.
“You’re so smart, Lina Girl,” I say with a small peck to her lips. Her face shines beneath my praise. She smiles, sipping her coffee. I love her warmth and how her body is currently pressed against mine. Her breasts are pushed into me. Her hair is tickling my nose. Her legs are resting over my own.
It’s absolute heaven.
“I can pick up on why you’d have the employees empty the house of all the extra weapons while he’s gone looking for me, but what about the ones he brings back with him?” she asks. “Hewillhave guns on him, and it only takes one to be lethal, baby.”
“Does he roll with guards?” She nods her head yes. I consider her question. “What’s his relationship with his bodyguards?” I ask as she thinks quietly for a few moments. She sucks her teeth before answering.
“I don’t know them well to be honest. He switches them out a lot and I avoid interacting with them if I can. He’s got a constant rotation going, so no one gets too close to him. He’s notbig on family or friendship,” she replies. “There are a handful of them. But he’s usually got two by him at all times. Of the current set, there’s a brand-new guy. Barely been working for Luke for three months. Mean and shady as hell. The other has been around for a few years but is extremely quiet and keeps to himself. Some of us think he could be a cop, which isn’t out of the question. Anyone on the force could potentially be on his payroll.”
“Really?” I perk up. “Lina Girl. Maybe you can feel him out and see if he could be of any help. If we have at least one of them on our side, we can definitely work that to our advantage. Have him handle weapons Luke might have. At least take out the other guy or something,” I say scratching my chin.
“Maybe. He’d still be a cop. Why would he just grant us immunity? You’re also assuming he’s out to get Luke and I’m assuming he’s just a thug with a badge working for him,” she says, drinking her coffee and falling silent. “Since when did you trust cops?” she asks snottily.
“I don’t. But those with power like cash. And I have a fuck-ton of it,” I cockily reply.