My character is supposed to wreck the place before his character comes back. I take all my anger out by tossing everything around. Banging and clashes rang through the room as I destroy it. My body heats up in a different way this time, it’s with anger. Tears run down my face and I knock over the record player and Gray’s character opens the dorm door and Garner says, “Cut!”

I run off set and make my way outside. I can’t stand to be here. I can’t be this close to him. They are playing the same segment of Hollywood News I woke up to as I run outside, which only makes it worse. “Are you okay?” he asks. Did he follow me?

“I should be.” I shrug. “Why do they think of what’s going on between us?” I ask, referring to the TV.

“They think that because of my dad,” he answers, finally turning around to face him.

“How are you going to stop it?” I ask him. He’s going to stop it, right? Gray looks down, not saying anything.

My stomach drops.

“You’re not stopping them?” My voice wavers.

“I can’t,” he says. He could try.

“You are letting them think that you are using me. Have you even tried to stop it!” Tears start to stream down my face as I notice I’m yelling. Anger and hurt are now becoming apparent in my voice.

“I don’t know how to change it. My dad already has a big handle on this from what he said in the meeting,” Gray says, looking down at the ground.

“Meeting? You talked about me?” He says nothing.

“He’s winning again and you’re letting him.”

There’s silence. Why did I think he was going to be different? Celebrity or not all boys are the same. They don’t care. They are selfish and menacing.

“It’s Hollywood. I can’t change that,” he replies and all the wind was knocked out of me. I feel as if I could crumble right in front of him.

“You’re right,” I say, and turn around holding back the tears going back inside, leaving Grayson behind.

Walking inside Emerson is standing with the crew as everyone is talking and celebrating the last day. “Alexia,” she says, catching my attention.

“Time for the wrap photo,” she tells me. I nod, following her over to where we are all getting bunched up in front of the camera for this picture. Once the picture is taken, I sneak off to my dressing room and pack up to leave. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

I hate it here. I know I’m about to cry. He’s such a traitor; I can’t believe he did this. How could he do this to me? We weren’t even together, and he broke my heart. This is why I hate feelings. I should have never admitted them. I could have suffered alone, played them off, but no I let myself like him and let him make me feel special.

I really should have thought this threw more before falling in love with him and the thing is I didn’t even know I was falling in love. How do you even fall in love in two weeks? As I exit Hayden Productions, I see my mother standing outside beside the limo, ignoring the cameras around as she runs to me, capturing me in a hug.

“I know, honey. It’s going to be okay,” she says as she rubs my back. I feel her lightly kiss my forehead.

“I can’t believe he did this, Mom,” I sob, hearing my voice break.

“I know Lexi, I know.” She continues to rub my back as we just stand outside. Soon I hear someone else run to me.

“He’s an idiot. You were the best thing to ever happen to him.” Lia pulls me in a hug too. “Fuck off, you camera maniacs! Get a life!” Lia yells at the paparazzi. I slightly laugh at that.

Sometimes, you fall in love with people and don’t realize till it’s too late.



Last night, I cried. Last night, the nightmares came back. Last night, I didn’t sleep. Last night, I thought about Grayson. Last night, I listened to all The MorningStar songs. Last night, I realized he made the nightmares go away.

I like him, I really like him. I may be in love with him. I’m not getting out of bed today. I don’t want to exist today. “It’s me.” Lia knocks on my door, but I say nothing. I don’t want to talk right now. I want to be alone.

“You have guests,” Lia tells me. You’ve got to be kidding me.

“Lexi!” Charlie bursts through the door; his excitement makes me smile a bit.