Today is going to be a good day. At least, I hope so.
I get to listen to the final version of my song today and we’re finally shooting the last scenes and then I get to go home! I’m so excited I can almost taste home. After spending two weeks here I’m so ready to go home. While it’s been fun here, I really miss home.
I go downstairs and find my mom on the phone with Stephan and Dexter. I say some quick heys and try walking away, but it doesn’t work. “Lexi, can you come here?” Mom asks. I turn around. “I talked to Lia and Dex about this already.”
“Okay?” I ask, glancing over at Dexter to see if his face will tell anything, but he’s looking away.
“As you know, there is going to be a retrial for Griffin, claiming he has mental issues that overpowered his ability to think clearly, and they think he is okay to slowly go back into society. He’s shown good behavior and has a kid on the way,” she explains.
“Who would have a kid with that manic?” I blurt out.
“His prison guard, apparently,” Dexter answers.
“Is she stupid or something?” I say.
“They fell in love,” Mom says.
“She’s an idiot,” I say. Who falls in love with a man who kidnapped and tried to rape his own family!
“Alexia, we need to know if you want to still stand against him or want him to be set free, of course with restrictions,” Mom says.
“I think he should stay in prison or, better yet, die,” I state.
“Is that your final answer?” Mom asks.
I walk out of the kitchen, marching right out of the house. Luckily, Fez is already here. “Ready to go, Miss Kirby?” I nod in response. I have no words to say. How dare she ask me that? Why would I want that sick son of a bitch out of prison? Are they going crazy or something? First, Dad, and now my mom. I know I’m grown and so they have to ask but what the fuck.
I wish Griffin was dead. I know that’s a bad thought, and it’s not nice to wish death on people, but after all, he put me through, and that's the grace I’m giving him. If I could have it my way, he would rot alive in a hole with acid burning him slowly as a spike plunged him slowly in his anus.
I wanted to kill myself after what he did to me. I did deserve a life. I cut myself, overdosed and never let myself out of my room. I felt as if my life had been taken away from me and in some ways it had been. Now they just want to let him out all because he’s been on his best behavior and has a kid on the way. He shouldn’t even be allowed to have kids. Yet, somehow, it happened.
“Miss Kirby, we are here.” Fez cuts me from my thoughts. I look over to where his voice came from, seeing he has the door open for me.
“Thank you.” I grab my bag, feeling like I’ve probably already wasted a lot of time and make my way inside the building. I want to hurry and get this over with, so I crawl back into my bed and get this day over with.
I don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t want to be awake. “Finally!” Emerson collapses into me as I enter.
“I was beginning to worry,” she says.
“I’m here now.” I pat her back lightly.
“And just in time, let’s get you on the 22nd floor.” Emerson pulls me to the elevators as she goes on and on about how amazing the song is, and she can’t wait for me to hear it. I’m still over the moon to hear the song but I can’t find the energy to be excited anymore.
“I brought the singer!” she says as we walk in.
“Fantastic,” Mr. Ryker says. I’ve gotten out of the habit of saying Dame Ryker every time I see him. I’m still starstruck but I’m working on it.
“Let’s have a listen, shall we?” He points to Cooper, and he plays the track. I take a seat between Gray and Charlie as the song starts. The intro plays just as I imagined it before the lyrics start, my lyrics. I truly cannot believe I’m listening to this right now.
All my worries melt away as I put myself into my music and feel it. The words, the melody, the chords. Everything I gave to have this moment right now. I made this happen. I did this. I can’t believe this. I did this! As I’m listening, I feel Gray reach over and grab my hand, locking our fingers together, which only makes butterflies erupt in my stomach and my face warms. I’m sure a blush has spread across my cheeks now. “I have our date planned tonight,” he whispers to me. I want to protest but I can’t. I have to see where this date goes. So much for staying in my room all day after this.
“So what do you think?” Cooper asks me.