Next, Scarlett explains the rules for the hide and seek game just saying two people are it and everyone else hides after taking a shot and once everyone is found we will go to the fire pit andhave s’mores before going inside and watching horror movies. Nevea and Kenan are going to be the chasers for the game.
We all down a shot of alcohol and run. Since we are in teams, me and Alexia run off down the trail we parked the cars on, and it leads to a fountain. We hide in a fountain that is out in the woods near the cars. It may not be the best idea, but it works. The bottom is slightly full of water, but the bowls are close enough to hide us as the water pours around us.
“So we are hiding in the dark at night. In water. What could possibly go wrong?” Alexia says, tossing her arms up.
“It’s fun,” I tell her, hoping she will calm down. This is fun, although I wouldn’t be mad if the water was a bit warmer.
“No, it's creepy and cold,” she responds.
“You’ve never played games in the dark before?” I ask.
“No, I don’t really get invited to things like this back home,” she answers. That would explain the freaking out.
“Have you done this before?” Alexia asks a few seconds later.
“Yes, and if you keep talking, they will find us,” I tell her.
“I’ve never done anything like this. I’m a relatively good girl. I don’t go camping in the woods, especially if I school or work the next day. I don’t play games in the dark. I don’t sit in water in the middle of the night. Or play hide and seek in the dark with a boy and definitely don’t get involved with alcohol or drugs,” Alexia rambles.
I forgot all about Raven bringing weed, but she always says horror movies are more fun when you are high. I plan not to smoke. “What if something happens? What if an animal comes and attacks? What if someone gets hurt-” Alexia continues to ramble while looking between me and in front of her. I have no idea what I could do in this moment, worry floods though me and the only possible thing I can think of to do to shut her up, I do it.
I kiss her.
The kiss doesn’t last long, just long enough to shut me up. Water sprays on us from the fountain, causing a slight wetness to the kiss. He kisses me incredibly soft and delicately almost like he fears he’s doing something wrong.
The kiss literally takes my breath away, not trying to sound cliche or anything but when he kissed me, I actually forgot how to breathe and now that we’ve pulled apart, we’re staring at each other.
I’m in shock and confused. I finally start breathing again as he says, “Sorry, It’s the first thing that came to my mind.” I stare at him, processing what he said.
“It’s okay… I didn’t mind,” I tell him. Then It’s quiet again. I don’t know what to say and I genuinely think he doesn’t either.
“Can I kiss you again?”
I nod, surprisingly.
Gray reaches back out and cups my face. We both lean in till our lips are touching again. That short kiss was definitely not enough. I’m itching for more. His hand reaches farther behind my head, pulling me in closer, and I place my arms around his neck as he grips my lower body. This water may be cold but I’m feeling anything but cold. It’s almost like electricity is flowing through us as we grip onto each other.
“Found you!” Charlie yells and we both jump apart.
“You idiot, you aren’t it,” Gray yells.
“I know, but Kenan already found me, so I was bored and came to find you,” Charlie says, shining his flashlight over us.
“Can you not shine that in my face?” I say, covering my face.
“Sorry,” Charlie replies and shines his light lower to the ground.
“Why did you two look like deers caught in headlights when I came up?” Charlie asks, sitting on the ground in front of us.
“Maybe because you shined a light in our face,” Gray answers angrily.
“Well, what have you two been doing?” Charlie asks us, ignoring Gray’s attitude.
Gray looks at me and I look back at him and then Charlie and then back at Gray. Is he going to tell him we kissed or is this going to stay between us?