“I plan on being seen with her as many times as I feel like it,” I state. I know I shouldn’t have said anything to make him madder, but I do, and I get punched for it.
“Every time you are seen with her, you’ll get one of those,” he says before fixing his suit jacket.
“Looking forward to it,” I say and head for the stairs.
I find Bea sitting beside my room door with tears streaming down her face.
“Come on,” I say, knowing she’s going to sleep in my room tonight. We both get ready for bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling.
“Why won’t you hit him back?” Bea asks.
“Maybe one day I will.”
Istayed up all night researching Grayson, reading articles, watching interviews and more. I even jumped over and did a little research on Emerson and Noah. I couldn't help but go down the rabbit hole when I got home last night. I couldn’t get Grayson out of my head, and when I tried to fall asleep, I couldn’t, so I tried watching a movie, but then I wanted to see his face, so I looked him up, and now it’s six a.m., and I need to be on set by nine a.m. I’ve been here for a little over a week, so it’s become a bit of a routine.
I pick out a pair of leggings and a Monster High T-shirt to wear today because I just want to be comfortable, especially because my period is due to start soon. I do my hair in two bubble braids with pink rubber bands, and I finally leave my room to have breakfast.
I have overnight oats, which is horrible, by the way. It’s cheesecake flavored because my mom wanted to try somethingdifferent but maybe this recipe could have stayed in her head. After I eat, I kiss Mom and go grab a jacket.
“You feeling okay?” Lia asks as I grab my leather blazer and Prada purse.
“I’m great,” I say as I put my jacket on.
“So, a night with Grayson puts you in a good mood.” Lia flips her hair, which somehow makes her curls look amazing.
“You know me so well.” I sigh and walk past her.
As I exit the house I notice a news reporter van across the road, so I hurry up and get in the car. “Good morning, I got you this,” Emerson says cheerfully and hands me a coffee cup. “I hope you like caramel lattes.”
“Thank you, this is very sweet of you,” I tell her. I’ve never had someone bring me coffee in the morning.
“Oh, it’s nothing. I love spoiling my friends,” she says as she pulls out of the driveway. Looking through the rearview mirror, I see the van following us.
“It’s okay. They will go away soon,” Emerson says.
“You seem to be used to being followed,” I reply.
“It’s normal. Comes with the job.” She shrugs.
“It seems like I haven’t stopped being followed since I got here,” I say.
“I bet you are ready to go home then.” Emerson laughs.
“You have no idea.”
The van eventually goes away once we enter the Hayden Productions gates. “We have an interview today so come with me,” Emerson says as we enter the building. I follow her down the hall till I get to her office.
“Lexi, you will be wearing this red dress,” Emerson says, holding up a dress from the hook on the wall. “Gray will be wearing a red suit.” So, we’re matching.
“The interview is at nine-thirty, so we have two hours to get ready before the people will be here to set up and have the interview here on set,” Emerson tells me.
That time frame suddenly feels very small as I realize they are probably going to re-do my hair, put makeup on me, and then send me out. “I’m so excited to see you in this. Okay, enough yapping off, you go to get ready.” I leave Emerson’s office with my dress in hand and head to hair and makeup.
I exit my dressing room to find Grayson standing in the hall in his red suit. “You clean up nice,” I say, catching his attention.