“She is affecting your career by bringing in unneeded press months before your tour,” Dad says.
“That’s going to be hard considering Emerson agreed she is the rightful winner and she’s recording in my studio, and I film with her,” I reply.
“No scandal with her. Now for Bea.” Dad moves over to Bea. He never has much to say to me because my career is established, hers is just getting started.
“You have a dress fitting tomorrow because we have a Golden Star event to attend. You will also be expected to attend Grayson,” Dad says and reaches behind him and hands me two tickets and Bea one.
“Choose wisely,” he says, looking at me.
“I want the public to see a happy family at this event, no embarrassing me,” Dad demands. “You can go now and Bea you have modeling practice tomorrow, be up by eight.”
We both get up and exit his office, not giving him another chance to say anything else. “I hate modeling.” Bea sighs as I walk her to her room.
“Then say that.” I shrug.
“Archie, you going against dad is already bad enough and I know what he does to you, we don’t need more problems,” Bea replies. I know she’s right, but I hate that she’s stuck doing things he forces her to do all because he was claimed to be the “more stable parent” when he and my mother got a divorce. Sure, dad still has to pay my mom, but the court thought he has more money, yard space, connections, and looking to remarry, while mom just wanted to live in a quiet place to paint and take over her family's winery instead of continuing her modeling career. One thing I am sure of is if he ever hits Beatrix, then that would be the day I’d do something.
Sunday comes fasterthan I would have liked. Before I know it, I’m getting on the elevator to go to the recording studio. “Hey,” Alexia says as she comes and gets in the elevator beside me.
“How are you?” she asks.
“Fine,” I reply and reach to press the button.
“Is this weird? This is weird. I totally didn’t mean to get into your personal space last night, should have stayed in my space. I swear I’m not a crazy fan girl even though I am a fangirl but not a crazy one-” I stop her by covering her mouth so she can’t rabble, although I’m flattered.
“Stop talking,” I tell her.
She looks up at me and It’s probably one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced. Her big brown eyes staring up at me and her warm breath against my hand. I wonder what it’d feel like if I kissed her. Actually, I shouldn’t think like that, but I bet that would feel amazing.
“I didn’t mind at all. You’re good. With that I was wondering if you would go to a Golden Star event with me?” I say and remove my hand from her mouth. I know my dad is going to kill me, but who cares?
“Are you sure? Me?” she replies.
“If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn't have asked,” I say.
“I’ll go with you, but don't take an attitude with me,” Alexia says as the elevator dings and she walks off. I follow behind her and we make our way to the recording studio.
“Finally, the group is complete,” Charlie says, walking over to us.
“Well we finished the music,” Kenan says.
“I’m ready to listen,” Alexia says.
“We tried to stay true to your vision,” Cooper says.
“We added a touch of flare though, so I hope you still can sing to it,” Stacy adds before pressing a button on the sound board. Alexia sits in the chair next to them and me and Charlie go over and take a seat on the leather red sofa.
“Now remember don’t stare too hard while she sits there,” Charlie whispers to me and I elbow him.
We take a seat as the music starts. “I asked Alexia to the Golden Star event tonight,” I tell him.
“You’re bringing Alexia!” Charlie exclaims.
“Yeah?” I answer, confused.
“Will your dad be a complete dick with Alexia there with you?” Charlie asks.
“It’ll be cool.” I shrug and begin listening to the music. Stacy and Conner definitely did a good job with mixing everything together.