“Get your feet off my table, Grayson,” Austin tells me, and I remove them
with a roll of my eyes.
“Sure, youwantto bealone,” Charlie says to me.
“I do,” I simply say.
“You know, one day, a girl is going to come into your life and turn you upside down. Even though you’re scared of commitment and of being loved, you won’t be able to deny you’ve fallen for her,” Kenan says.
“Then that, my friend, shall be the day I give the whole love thing a try,” I tell him.
“So, a relationship scandal is out of the window,” Scarlett says, and I nod.
“Well, we will see,” Bridgett says.
“Everyone dismissed. Up early tomorrow, the sweepstakes winners will be here tomorrow,” Austin says, and I jump up, setting his pretzel bag back down, but now it’s basically empty. Austin looks at me knowingly and I mouthsorry, but I know at this point, he sits them out, accepting the fact he won’t have any left.
“Are we going out tonight?” Raven asks us.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea tonight. We have sweepstake duties tomorrow and none of us have made the baskets we should have,” Kenan says.
“Yes, Father, we will get it done,” Charlie replies in a cadet voice, saluting Kenan.
“But first picture, you heard what Bridgett said about posting,” Scarlett says, motioning for us to get in the frame.
After the photo, we all go about our own ways. I go off to my dressing room in Legend Hall and pack my bag, then head out to the car that’s waiting for me.
Tonight, I had to call Ornan–my personal driver–to pick me up and drive me home because I didn’t bring my car thinking wewere going to go out, so I figured I’d ride with Charlie, but since we aren’t, I called Ornan.
I’ve always liked the ride home from LA to Beverly Hills. It’s almost thirty minutes, but it’s a calming ride and the last calm I get before getting home to my father and Lena, which is hell, but I have Beatrix, and she’s my favorite person other than Charlie.
I pull out my phone and text Beatrix, telling her I’m on my way home, before leaning my head back on the headrest to watch the buildings go by.
“Thanks, Ornan,”I say, grabbing my stuff to exit the car and walk up to the large Archer mansion.
“See you tomorrow, Grayson,” Ornan replies before driving off around the large stone roundabout in front of the mansion.
I make my way across the large foray and sit my things beside the marble stairs before heading to the kitchen.
“You’re finally here,” I hear my father say from the kitchen island.
“I am,” I say, opening the fridge to grab a Ginger Ale.
“You shouldn’t be chugging down sugar at almost one in the morning,” my father tells me, as he always does.
“I’ll be fine,” I reply, opening the cold can and pouring the sizzling coldness in my mouth.
“You have a workout in the morning,” he tells me. I don’t reply. “I’m surprised you even knew where home was.” He’s referring to the fact that I mainly stay at The Fortress, then he leaves the kitchen, finally leaving me alone.
This is how our talks normally go. He says what he needs to say or yells at me about something then walks away. It’s more like living with a roommate than a dad. It’s been like that sinceMom left. I wish he never fucking cheated on my mom and married Lena, my stepmother.
I wait a little longer so I know the coast is clear and my father isn’t around before making my way upstairs. I drop my things in my room before heading to Bea’s room.
I knock on the door three times like I always do before she says, “Come in.”
“How's my favorite sister?” I ask her.
“I’m your only sister,” Bea says.