It’s only been one week and I feel like my life has been flipped upside down.
The infamous floor rumor is true
I sendFaith the text just as we stop, and the doors open, revealing Ryker Dame waiting on the other side. My heart skips a bit seeing him as I’m not used to seeing my idols right in front of me. I’m looking at a Grammy-winning singer and songwriter. Not just that he’s won three Goldie’s too which is the Golden Star award and been placed in the Rock N’ Roll Hall of fame with Rocky Myers.
“Lex, move your ass,” I hear Lia say as I’m pushed out the elevator, sending me stumbling. Luckily, I catch myself as it would have been embarrassing to fall. I gain my balance in my heels and stand up straight.
“Welcome, Alexia. I’m pleased to have you here and producing your song today,” Mr. Ryker says.
“I’m excited to be here,” I say, trying to sound calm.
“You have no idea how much she loves this music stuff,” Lia says, and I elbow her behind me.
“What? I’m just saying, you’re like obsessed with this band and music,” Lia says.
“If you’ll follow me this way to the recording studio, we can get started,” he says, turning to the left and walking down the hallway.
I take in a breath before following Mr. Ryker. We walk past some awards hanging on the wall along with photos of them over the years. The hall has a red and white color theme with any furniture in the hall being silver.
We stop at a glass door that says ‘Recording’ on it, and it has a green light on above it. He opens the door, revealing a studio and the band sitting inside along with two others.
“Everyone!” Everyone in the room turns toward us. My stomach flips at now being at the center of attention in the room, which shouldn’t bother me because I perform in front of thousands of people at cheer competitions.
“This is Alexia Kirby. She will be recording her song ‘Dramatic’ with us today.” Dame Rykers motions me forward.
“Alexia, this is our music engineer and recording specialist,” Dame Ryker tells me who the other people are inside the room.
“Welcome. It’s a pleasure to work with you. I'm Cooper.” A blond man walks over to me.
“And I’m Stacy,” the woman with green hair introduces herself.
“Nice to meet you.” I shake Stacy’s hand.
“Okay, Aaliyah and Mrs. Wimberly, you can take a seat over there in the lounge space, and we have complimentary snacks ready for you all. If you would like to leave at any point it must be done while the light is green, when it’s red that means recording is in session,” he tells them.
Lia heads over after hearing that there is food.
“Thank you,” my mom says and pulls Lia along with her.
“So, so sorry I’m late.” The door opens and in walks Emerson Hayden in a beautiful green sundress with her hair curled perfectly.
“I meant to be by, but I had a meeting,” she says, clutching her notebook in hand.
“That’s okay, Emmy, this is Alexia,” Mr. Ryker says as she pushes up her pink glasses.
“It’s so lovely to meet you.” Her voice is very chipper and slightly high-pitched.
“Nice to meet you,” I say but she keeps walking over to me and hugs me.
Oh. My. God.
She’s hugging me. Now, I should be extremely happy because I love the Hayden family, and they are the part owners of this place where I’m recording, but I don’t really do physical touch, and I’ve never met her up close like this. I awkwardly pat her back as she hugs me, not knowing what to do.
“I’m sorry I’m a hugger,” she says, pulling away.
“You're fine,” I excuse her.