“I’ll separate them,” Kenan says.

After the packages are all separated by the person they go to, we begin opening packages.

“So, Alexia, have you ever written us any fan mail?” Charlie asks.

“No, but my sister complains about me playing your songs all the time,” I answer.

“Who's your favorite in the band? Like before you met us,” Raven asks.

“I don’t know, honestly. I never thought I had a favorite, but if I had to pick, I’d say Charlie,” I answer while going through a package from White Fox addressed to Scarlett.

“Damn, Gray, tough luck,” Charlie says. Grayson just glares at him.

“Why, Charlie?” Scarlett asks.

“He gives the most content and we see more of his personality along with Scarlett. There are normally only pictures or quick things about the rest of you.”

“Well, I guess we see why our manager says we need more online content,” Kenan says.

“Speaking of content, we're doing a vlog,” Charlie says and pulls out his camera.

“Are you okay with being on camera and posted?” Charlie asks.

“Yeah, it’s fine.” I shrug.

“Alexia, are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“I get it. I’m being posted, and people will start asking questions, and am I prepared to handle it.”

“Are you?” Kenan asks. “A lot of people will start asking questions, you’ll get texts, calls, if not more. It’s a lot to get posted with people that are famous.”

“I’m sure.”

Charlie starts his vlog by introducing everyone in the room, including me. “So earlier today, Lexi here taught us how to do a cheer pyramid,” Charlie says.

“Did you guys fall?” Grayson asks before he sips his soda.

“No, I’m a good teacher,” I say proudly.

“If you say so,” Grayson says, which causes me to make eye contact with him. Is he just saying that or is he trying to take a jab at me?

We’re finally done opening the packages when I hear my phone start to ring. “Is everything okay?” Scarlett asks. I look down to see who's calling and see Faith’s name.

“Yeah, it’s just Faith, my best friend,” I tell her. I answer the FaceTime call as I walk over to the piano.

“You haven’t called me every day like you promised,” Faith says right as she answers. Faith is wearing the practice cheer uniform, so I know she’s probably on break at practice.

“I know I’m sorry, but I’ve texted you,” I say.

“Also, coach isn’t happy he’s missing his center flyer. Heather has been filling in, but we all know you belong up there,” Faith tells me.

“Well, he should be happy, I'm filming the routine and showing him I have it down. I even tumbled the other day.” I switch the phone to a different hand as I grab the vase on the piano to prop my phone against it.

“Oh my god, I wanna meet your friend!” Charlie exclaims running over to me, almost knocking me over as he does.

“Charlie, be careful, you almost knocked Alexia over!” Grayson shouts. Aw, he’s kind of worried about my safety.