“Lex, why don’t you sing this with me and Scar,” Raven suggests.

“Yeah, I want to hear you sing!” Charlie exclaims.

“I don’t know,” I try to say something to get out of this.

“You’ll be great. Just try,” Kenan says. I sigh and get up from beside Zara. Charlie holds out Grayson’s guitar, I recognize it from the performances.

“Are you sure I should be touching this?” I ask, skeptically.

“He won’t be mad ifyoutouch now, he might beat me up, but eh, whatever.” Charlie shrugs. I take the guitar and put it over my head slowly. Why wouldn’t he be mad if I touched it?

“You’re singing lead. I’m sure you know the lyrics,” Scarlett says before starting their song called “Lover Boy”. It's more of an uplifting chicklit song that also somehow shares feelings of how you feel about a boy.

I’ve never performed anything outside of musical performances at school, so this is new and I’m super nervous. Surprisingly, I’m actually able to open my mouth, sing, and play the cords just as Grayson walks in.



“Who the fuck gave her my guitar?” Grayson asks angrily.

I didn’t expect that to be the first thing he said after hearing me sing.

“Seriously, Gray, that’s the first thing you say after the song!” Emerson says and hits him over the head.

“Charlie gave it to her,” Zara says.

“Tattletale,” Charlie says, sticking his tongue out at her. Zara moves back into Shawn, and he wraps his arms around her as if he’s protecting her.

“I’m gonna kick your ass,” Grayson says, pointing at Charlie before running toward him. Charlie starts running and throws his drumsticks at Grayson.

“This happens sometimes,” Raven whispers over to me. I take off Grayson’s guitar and put it back on its stand.

“I didn’t break it,” I announce, hoping he heard me.

I do admire the guitar; it's a red and black Ibanez PIA3761 Steve Vai Signature and I absolutely love it.

“You like it,” Scarlett says, appearing next to me.

“She can tell ‘cause you’re just staring at it,” Raven adds, coming up behind me.

“It's gorgeous,” I tell them.

“We’re about to leave,” Shawn calls out.

“I need a nap. Coming, Sunshine?” Noah says.

“Aww, Noah can’t go to sleep without hisgirlfriend,” Charlie mocks in a baby voice while running.

“Shut up, dickhead, your girlfriend feeds you,” Noah calls out, heading for the stairs with Emerson. I move my eyes from the guitar and look around for Zara and go over to her.

“I wanted to say see you later.”

“Oh, see you later,” Zara says, a bit confused.

“I hope to see you soon,” I say to her and Zara smiles at me lightly as I walk away. Shawn and Zara both gather some things and then head for the door.

“I think we should open the PR packages,” Scarlett says.