“I signed a CD too,” Bea adds.
“I did nothing,” Nevea says and latches onto Kenan’s arm. I truly hate that she's here.
Like how do you tell one of your closest friends their girlfriend ofyearsis cheating on them and trying to get with you and your other close friend? Lord, give me the answer.
Next is the picture hunt, where we get a list of four items we have to take a picture with all within eight minutes. I pair with Bea this time, so Alexia pairs with Charlie. The items are a broom, a wine glass, a toy car, and a stuffed animal. Me and Bea start with toys and then, the stuffed animal (we choose a giraffe), since those are in close proximity, then we run to the glass aisle. We aren’t very coordinated in this challenge; we kind of look like silly monkeys. We take the picture with the wine glass and finally the broom before getting back to the meeting point.
Sadly, Scarlett and Raven won but it’s okay, my favorite event is up next.
Finally, Hide and Seek.
This time, I am back with Alexia. “Go!” Raven shouts, maybe a little too loud. We all run in different directions, trying to split up and take an advantage from Raven. I pull Alexia to the toilet paper and paper towel aisle. “Why are we here?” she asks.
“Start taking them off the shelves and then get in,” I say.
“I asked you a question!” Alexia says behind me, not helping me move the toilet paper.
“And I told you to do something,” I say and continue what I’m doing. Alexia notices I’m not going to answer, and she starts to help. We work fast, taking them off, making a hole for us till we can fit, and then we pull them back in place and hide in the dark small space.
A very small space.
“This is cozy,” Alexia says. I can feel the fact that she rolled her eyes.
“And warm,” I add.
“Your cologne smells really good.”
“I can’t believe you complimented me,” I reply.
“I have the capacity not to be annoying sometimes,” Alexia informs me.
“That’s questionable, but thank you for the compliment,” I say.
“You’re welcome,” she whispers. I start to hear someone coming near us, so I place my hand over her mouth, knowing she’s about to talk.
It’s quiet, with low breathing being the only sound. Her hot breath on my hand, her lips against my cool flesh. It’s steaming in here. Suddenly, this space is smaller than it seems, hotter than hell, and I don’t think I mind being this close to her.
As much as I wished I could stay like this, the night ended with me dropping her off at the sweepstakes house and her running inside like a killer was chasing her.
The woods are dark, cold, and eerie. I can barely see where I’m running, but I know it’s safer than where I am. “Alexia! Don’t run away for me. I’m helping!” He screams, only making me run faster.
I need to get away.
I have to get away.
My legs pump faster. I’m running for my life until I’m tackled to the ground.
My eyes shoot open when my alarm goes off, waking me from the dream of a not-so-great memory. Peeling my eyes open, I realize I am now the winner of The MorningStar/Golden Star Sweepstakes, and I have to go to an interview with StarStruck Magazine this morning.
This also reminds me just how pissed I am at my sister. I get out of bed and head over to the closet to figure out what the hell I am going to wear today.
Looking through my clothes, I feel as if I have nothing to wear. I wish I packed cuter stuff. I finally pick out a black high-waisted pleated skirt, textured tights, and a black corset top. I pair my whole outfit with platform heels and leave my hair down, fluffing it out. I think this could really work for the interview.