That sounds really fun,” I agree.
“Next move decided,” Noah says. He’s such an agreeable person but then again, he’s here to make our day great.
The ride begins and we ride around. I mainly look at the view around me. I just want to take it all in before it’s over. I may never get to see it again.
“What’s your favorite TV show?” Grayson asks suddenly and I turn to him.
“Grey’s Anatomy,” I reply way too quickly, Grayson smirks at the irony.
“That drama show about doctors.” Noah laughs.
“It’s an amazing, emotional show,” I defend.
“Sure, it is,” Grayson replies sarcastically.
“It is!” I exclaim.
“We prefer more romantic television,” Astrid says, pulling Noah’s attention to her.
While they talk, I look around.
After the carousel, Lia and Astrid take a bathroom break while Noah, Grayson and I go on Power Plunge before playing Mini Golf, which was Lia’s choice, and eating at Seaside on The Pier was Astrid’s choice. Which was actually a good one. It’s a sandwich shop and was light enough so it didn’t destroy ourstomachs after all the rides and still filled us. I picked dessert, and chose snow cones, which the boys are getting for us.
I’m standing on one of the piers, looking at water, while Astrid and Lia talk by one of the stores as I wait. I just needed time alone to decompress from socializing. It’s about five p.m. now and everything is still so bright and lively out here. California would be a great place to live, I’ve never been so far from South Carolina. I think I love it out here. I’d love it better if Faith was here and I was doing cheer.
“Here. One grape and blue raspberry snow cone. Just what you wanted,” Grayson says, holding it out for me. His tone is slightly annoyed. I know I was very specific, but he doesn’t have to be annoyed. While he has coconut. All the same flavor. Boring.
Noah comes over with Lia and Astrid, both holding their sour apple flavored cone and they take a seat at the table next to me. Well, if they are going to be this close, I guess I should sit too. I sit across from them and Noah and Grayson sit beside me.
“Did you enjoy your day?” Grayson asks.
“It was perfect,” Astrid replies.
“Wonderful.” Noah nods. I spot out the corner of my eye Grayson pulling his phone out and slipping it back in his pocket.
“Excuse me.” He gets up and leaves the table. I turn around, watching him, and he tosses his snow cone away as he leaves. Must really be someone he doesn’t want to speak to.
“What’s going on?” I turn around and look at Noah.
“I wouldn’t worry,” he answers. I’m slightly worried, more curious considering what happened only last night.
“Aaliyah, tell me, how did you come up with the inspiration behind your song? It truly impressed us all,” Noah says, changing the topic.
A worried look spreads on Lia’s face, and she looks over to Astrid for help. That’s strange and it only reminds me of the night I met Grayson.
“Just came out of me.” Lia smiles slightly before stuffing her mouth with the flavored ice.
“Really, because you’ve never written music,” I say, drawing everyone to look at me.
“It was a lucky first time,” Lia shrugs. Her face is a little blushed, meaning she’s lying. Now I definitely know something is up.
“Really. That’s so Interesting. You hate when I play the music I wrote or rant about it.”
“Lexi, maybe stop being so bitter and accept you lost,” Astrid inserts.
“Sorry about that,” Grayson says, coming back over to us.
“Is everything okay?” I ask.