I’ve been trying to pick out an outfit for this concert for the past forty minutes! All I’ve managed to decide is to wear my leather blazer and my MorningStarRomanticismT-shirt and my platform Converse, but I can’t decide on bottoms.

“Lex, time to go!” Mom shouts.

“Shit,” I say to myself. Okay, I just have to put some bottoms on. I grab the black leather ruffle mini skirt and slip it on over my purple underwear.

This will have to do.

I put my shoes on as fast as I can before spraying some shimmer spray on my legs. I take a quick look in the mirror to make sure I look good. I love the way the red hair tinsel looks shining in my hair. I grab my bag and jacket, then head out the door.

“Coming!” I yell as I run out of the house.

I jump in the limo and Fez closes the door behind me. “For someone who was so excited earlier, you sure take your time,” Lia says.

“I couldn’t pick an outfit,” I tell her and fasten my seatbelt. I don’t really care if I'm late, they are late all the time. I put on my Prada shades and put in my AirPods for the ride.

As we arriveat Legend Hall, there are screaming fans already in line waiting to get the last few tickets and the concert doesn’t start for two hours. There are cameras everywhere and merch is being sold outside along with food from a little food booth. We were taken to the VIP entrance around back and ushered inside by a security team.

“Welcome,” Dame Ryker says as we enter. Oh my Jesus. The lead singer ofViolenceis right in front of me. I know he manages The MorningStars but I never thought I'd meet him.

“We are honored to have you here,” he continues giving a welcome speech.

“If you have not already, please put your VIP badges around your neck.” We all take our badges out of our bags and slip them over our heads.

“As you know, this is the last show of the Band Showcase, which Golden Star has been putting on for the last three months, and tonight you will see The MorningStars. You will be seated in the Golden Box, which is usually reserved for the Hayden family, but tonight it's yours.” I think I might pass out. I’m going to be sitting where the Hayden’s sit.

My life has definitely turned around.

“Before the pre-show begins, you are allowed to enjoy the concession stand and merch shop,” he tells us. “Any questions?”

Astrid raises her hand. “Will there be any celebrities here?”

“Possibly,” Dame answers.

“Alright, if there are no further questions, we need a picture,” Tati says, waving the photographer over. I happily jump in this picture, feeling my heart burst, knowing I’m getting a picture with a rock legend.

“See you ladies later,” Dame says and waves us goodbye.

“I will meet you all back in this spot in two hours to take you to your seats. Till then, have fun,” Tati says before walking away. Great, I have two hours to walk around one of Hollywood's most famous concert halls.

“We’re going to find the restroom,” Lia says.

“We will be in the merch shop,” I tell them, grabbing my mom’s hand.

“Aren’t you excited?” she asks.

“I guess you could say that.” There’s nothing like getting to shop your favorite band’s merch before anyone.

Entering the merch shop, automatically, some items catch my eye. I grab one of the tote bags and start picking the items I want, like the new summer tour crewneck, a band T-shirt, a key chain, a pack of the trading cards, and their collaboration Stanley cup. I’m not even mad when the lady at the counter tells me my total is $208.37. I happily pay the money and leave.

“That’s all you got?” I say to my mom as I see her slip on a T-shirt over the dress she is wearing.

“Yes, I wanted to fit in with you cool kids,” she responds.

“Never say that again.”