“Are you surprised?” Grayson asks. I didn’t even register that I actually saw him. Grayson comes over to me and captures me into a hug.
“I just saw you.”
“What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t come for your birthday?” he asks, sitting me down.
“You’re sweet.”
“Okay, come open gifts,” Lia says.
“Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” my mom tells me. I go over and hug her, thanking her.
“You’re twenty, dork. What ya gonna do?” Dexter asks.
“I don’t know, ask me tomorrow,” I respond and go over to my gifts.
Stephan stands beside the gift table now with a platter of cupcakes. “They are Lemon.”
“Thank you.” I take a cupcake and begin opening my gifts, starting with my mom’s and Stephan’s, which are a new guitar strap, frog slippers, and Victoria’s Secret pajamas. Dexter is next, he got me a Sephora gift card, typical but less money I have to spend. I actually love gift cards. Faith got me a guitar case, a new songbook, and some jewelry, which, of course, is all very thoughtful. Finally, ending with Lia before Gray, she gifts me a MorningStar photo case, which I must admit is one piece of merch I don’t have.
“Mr. Bigshot over here got you five guitars.” Lia points to Gray.
“I like to make my girl happy.” He shrugs.
“I love them. I’ve always wanted one,” I say.
“Now you have five.” This is truly one of the most thoughtful things I have ever received. He saw me, he noticed what I wanted and made a dream come true. I can’t even fathom how this makes me feel. I just feel so lucky to have someone so incredibly in tune to my feelings and wishes. I hug him tightly, hoping it conveys my gratitude.
“Thank you,” I whisper into his chest. He rubs his fingers through my curls and kisses my forehead.
“Okay, cake time,” Dexter says.
“The others also sent gifts, but you can open them later,” Gray tells me. We all move to the kitchen, and they all begin singing the happy birthday song, which only makes me feel incredibly awkward as I walk in seeing a glitter cake with candleslit on top. I blow out my candles in one big move when the song is over and everyone claps.
“I’ll grab the plates!” Lia declares as I begin cutting the cake.
“How does it feel to be twenty?” Gray asks.
“Honestly, the same as being nineteen,” I answer. Nothing really changed, only my age. Hopefully, incredible things happen this year and I make smart decisions, but other than that, brain-wise and body-wise I feel the same. Okay, maybe not brain-wise, I could say I learned to love, and love heard. Me and Gray are like two clashing chords that sound perfect when we’re together.
“Yeah, it’s like that.” He swings his arm around me. “Have you decided about moving yet?”
“Kind of, I’ll let you know when I have a yes or no.” He nods, accepting my answer. I don’t like to talk about my choices or when I’m thinking it just doesn’t work for me. After I finish cutting the cake I let everyone grab and slice and go sit in the living room beside Faith.
“What ya doing?” She jumps a bit, not expecting me to be coming in. “Thinking… I’m going to miss you.”
“I haven’t–” I try to stop her.
“I know you’re going, and you should. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” Faith tells me, interrupting me. Faith knows me better than anyone on this planet and she believes I’m going, and I know I should go. She’s right.
“What about you?” I lean on her shoulder.
“I’ll be okay. I’ll visit and call you and be in the front row of all your shows. No matter how far you are, we are best friends.” She turns to me, grabbing my hand. “I’ve loved you through worse things and now I’m going to be here for you while you accomplish your dream. Go call Emerson and go to Cali.” I couldn’t ask for a better best friend. She always knows exactly what to say and how to say it.
“Go.” She pushes me off the sofa, causing me to laugh at her seriousness. I pull out my phone and call Emerson before I chicken out of doing this.
“Hello,” she answers on the second ring.
“I’m deciding to come to LA.”