I only went to the Prada store and got black sunglasses, a black leather handbag and one of the Prada chain necklaces inpurple: my favorite color. I look around seeing Lia and Astrid walking out of one of the stores, looking like the epitome of Hollywood celebrities.
“Okay! We need some shots of you all to go on the Golden Star website and in the new edition of Starstruck Magazine,” Tati says, coming over with a photographer.
“You don’t want to take any?” Mom asks, sitting by me with her five shopping bags. I shake my head in response. I don’t want anything to do with this. I don’t want to be on a website, and I don’t want to be in that magazine. If I am going to be in those one day, it will be because of me and my music, not my annoying stepsister.
“Alexia, Mrs. Wimberly, why don’t you join us for this shot,” Tati says to us, waving us over.
“How about just one? Then maybe later we can have a movie night with those cookies you wanted to try,” Mom says, grabbing my hand. Of course she knows how to cheer me up.
“Deal.” I sigh, standing up and walking with her to take the picture. I’m ready to eat at this point.
Thank God that’s next.
Once Tati had all her pictures, we were free to head to the steakhouse for dinner. “I wonder if they will fall in love with us when they see us!” Astrid giggles. I roll my eyes.
You can't fall in love with someone by seeing them.
“What do you think Lexi?” Lia asks.
“I think you guys are delusional,” I answer while twirling my fork in my crab pasta. I know my mom is just itching to say ‘it’s not nice to play with your food’ because she keeps staring at me with her “stop” face.
“Oh, it’s possible, Lexi. I mean, we are gorgeous. We could pull a movie star,” Lia says.
“Or a rockstar.” Astrid smiles and flips her hair.
“If you pull either, let me know, I wanna see that,” I say to them, “‘till then, I'm going to the restroom.” I get up as ladylike as possible and make my way to the restroom.
This is just what I needed: a moment alone. I take in a couple of deep breaths, calming myself. I can feel air fill my lungs again and I immediately feel better. I take my phone out of my purse and text Faith, updating her on my day and sending her the pictures I took of Rodeo Drive. I know she loves collecting pictures.
I lastly re-apply my lip liner and gloss before exiting the bathroom feeling as good as new. As I exit the bathroom, I run right into someone falling toward the floor, but I’m caught by someone, when I open my eyes, I realize someone caught me as their green eyes stare into mine.
The wind is knocked out of me as I see the perfectly freckled face of Charlie West, the drummer of The MorningStars. His eyes are much greener up close, and his brown hair looks just as amazing as it does in the videos, except it’s not as sweaty.
“Charlie, apologize to the poor girl,” a female says as he pulls me to my feet.
“I am so sorry,” I whisper.
“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been walking outside the women’s restroom,” Charlie says with a bright smile.
“He doesn’t look where he’s going sometimes.” I look over to see Scarlett Cross talking.
I think I may actually faint.
I can’t believe I’m here standing in front of the women's restroom in a five-star restaurant in front of Charlie West and Scarlett Cross.
Two members of The MorningStars.
I think I’m starstruck.
No, I am starstruck.
“Are you okay?” Scarlett asks.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m just in shock,” I say. I’m surprised I’m not stuttering.
“May I ask why you are in shock?” Charlie asks kindly.
“You’re a part of my favorite band,” I say.