Ihate how lucky my sister is. She would be the one to win the same sweepstakesIentered.
The worst part is that she doesn’t even like The MorningStars, but because spending a day with some blond actor is a prize too, she entered.
So, fucking much for my lucky stars.
I lean against the kitchen counter, forcing myself to listen to Lia rant about how she just won The MorningStars/Golden Star Sweepstakesagain. If I could staple her mouth shut, I would. I’m super happy for her and all, but she’s been going on and on about this for the pastfourdays.
We get it, you won. Move on.
So what if I’m being bitter?
This is one of the worst days of my life, but that's an exaggeration. Trust me, I’ve had worse days. Being kidnapped waswayworse than this but still.
Now Lia is reading off the letter they sent in the mail today about what is included in the winner’s package and the instructions. I hear her say it includes four tickets, but there are five of us.
“There’s five of us,” I interrupt her, reaching into the bowl beside me and grabbing a grape. Everyone slowly turns to me.
“So?” Lia deadpans.
“There's five of us, but only four tickets,” I rephrase to be more clear, and then I eat the grape.
Stephan looks around the room before he says, “Well, what if you girls go? Then Aaliyah can use the fourth ticket for a friend.”
Of course he has that fucking idea. What are step-dads for?
“Then what will I do for spring break?” Dexter asks from his chair at the island.
“Boys trip with some of your college friends,” Stephan suggests.
“Thanks, Daddy!” Lia jumps and hugs Stephan like a five-year-old child, even though nothing is finalized.
“Now you must choose a friend,” my mom says.
“We all know who she will pick,” I insert, rolling my eyes.
“You know, Lexi, you don’t need to be a buzzkill. You can stay at the dorms for all I care,” Lia says, slightly harsh, but I brush it off. I really don’t care if she hates my attitude.
“I’ll call Astrid’s house,” Mom says and grabs her phone, already knowing who Lia would pick.
Astrid is the most annoying, self-absorbed person I’ve ever met. She literally only cares about how she looks, and I strongly dislike her. Maybe even hate. I wish all her perfect blonde hair would fall out.
I push off the counter and put the grapes back inside the fridge. I want to go back to my room now.
“Okay, Astrid said she will go. I also told her mom. I’m going to talk with the coordinator tomorrow to get the tickets. Wehave a week to pack.” Mom walks back inside the kitchen while speaking.
“Then we have a week to plan our boys' trip. Dex, think of three friends you want to bring,” Stephan tells Dexter.
“You guys have fun but I’m going with Faith to Myrtle Beach,” I say, closing the fridge.
“Alexia, I know you are twenty and in college, but this would be an amazing bonding experience for us,” Mom says, walking over to me.
“Yeah, then you can drool over The MorningStars in person,” Lia adds, flipping her hair and walking off. I give her the middle finger behind her back. I donotdrool over them. I just really like their music. There’s a difference.
“At least I’m not giggling over Noah Sterling,” I whisper to myself.