Pearl’s eyes filled with affection. “You’re not an idiot, Rhett. You were being honorable, though…probably in a misguided way.”
She made me laugh. Even now, when my heart ached that my mother had wanted to ruin my life, Pearl brought me joy.
“Why is getting married so important?” I demanded.
“It’s society,” Aunt Hattie, who was the epitome of a single, independent woman, remarked. “After all, marriage is a social construct, with no bearing on human nature or respect for it.”
“I think marriage can be good if it’s between the right people,” Missy stated and then frowned. “Though, more often than not, it’s not between the right people, hence the high rate of divorce.”
“No, that’s not what I mean.” I stroked Pearl’s back as I held her. “I believe in relationships. I believe in monogamy. I believe in partnership. But I don’t understand this blinding need to have a ceremony and marry into the right family. My father told me he was fine with me marrying Pearl. After all, she’s from a good family, which misses the point that I should be with Pearl because she’s fucking awesome and makes me a better person.”
“So, what’s the alternative?” Pearl ran a hand down my arm.
“To not get married.” I felt weary as hell. “I don’t ever want to. Not after all of this. The lies, the manipulation, the expectations—it’s not worth it. I’m done with the whole idea.”
The porch fell silent, and I caught the way Pearl’s peaceable expression flickered—just for a moment—before she looked away.
I wasn’t sure what it meant, but I wondered if I’d just opened a door I wasn’t quite ready to walk through. Did Pearl want to get married, and I’d fucked it up?
The porch swing creaked as I leaned back, my legs tucked beneath me. The evening air was heavy with the scent of jasmine. Rhett’s declaration was like an unexpected breeze—sharp, surprising, and refreshing.
Aunt Hattie was the first to break the silence, her laugh soft but full of conviction. “Finally.” She raised her glass of iced tea in a mock salute. “Someone in this family with a bit of sense.”
Missy snorted. “Preach,” she muttered, and I couldn’t help but smile.
I glanced at Rhett. I was still in his arms.
“I get it.”
Rhett turned to me, his brow lifting slightly. “You do?”
“Marriage is bullshit,” I said bluntly, earning a grin from Aunt Hattie and an approving nod from Missy. “It’s just another way for people like Josie—and my mother—to wraptheir lives in pretty little bows and pretend everything’s perfect when it’s not.”
Rhett studied me. “You really believe that?”
“Of course, I do.” I kissed his lips.
He looked at me like I was a marvel, and I can tell you that made me feel awesome.
“You look like a man who’s finally unbuttoned the collar of a life that was always a bit too tight,” I teased.
“You’rereallyokay not getting married?” He couldn’t believe that there was someone out there just like him, who didn’t think the be-all and end-all of life was to wear a white dress and throw a party.
“Yes.” I waved a hand toward our guests. “Look at Aunt Hattie. She’s been single her whole life, and she’s the happiest, most independent person I know.”
“Damn straight.” Aunt Hattie’s voice brimmed with pride. “I didn’t need a spouse to build a life worth living. And neither do the two of you.”
“I don’t want to be single. I want to be with Pearl,” Rhett quickly said, worried that I was misinterpreting him.
I glanced at Rhett warmly. “And I want to be with you. But why do we have to get married? I’ve always thought it was pretentious and, worse than that, boring. I’ve never enjoyed going to a wedding; I doubt I’d enjoy mine.”
“But if you want to get married, Pearl,” he hurriedly went on, “we can do it. I’ll do anything for you.”
I sighed. “Rhett, I’m relieved. I don’t want to get married. I don’t want to have children. At least, that’s how Ifeel right now. If that changes, we can talk about it. This relationship is ours and should not be dictated by Savannah fucking society.”