Page 68 of Never the Best

Dr. Ryan reached across the table, placing her hand lightly over mine. "I know it’s terrifying. But Pearl is getting professional mental health help. That’s very important. I recommend including a dietitian and maybe even a doctor on her care team to monitor her physical health. You can be her support system, but you can’t be her entire recovery plan."

"She’s finally talking to a therapist, which is a relief. Next step, I hope she’ll let me take her to her doctor."

“Understand this,” Dr. Ryan cautioned. “When she pushes back, it’s not personal. Resistance is part of the illness."

"Thank you," I said quietly, meeting her steady gaze. "I don’t want to screw this up."

"You won’t," Dr. Ryan assured me with a small smile. "You care, Rhett. That’s half the battle right there. But this is a marathon, not a sprint, and that means you’re going to have to pace yourself. But the fact that you’re asking these questions, that you’re trying to understand, says a lot about the kind of support you are for her."

“I can’t thank you enough, Dr. Ryan.”

She studied me thoughtfully. “How areyoudoing? Taking care of someone like this is not easy. Are you giving yourself time to take care of yourself?”

I blinked. “I’m fine. It’s Pearl who is?—”

“Let me put it this way: always put your oxygen mask on first, then the child’s. If you’re not healthy, you can’t take care of Pearl.”

She wasn’t wrong. “What do you suggest I do?”

“I’m glad you asked.” She dug into her bag and pulled out a business card, sliding it across the table. “Here is someone I think you should speak with. He’s an excellent therapist.”

“Why not you?” I asked, genuinely curious. Talking to her felt easy and natural, like she already understood the weight of everything I was carrying.

She smiled kindly, folding her hands in front of her. “I’m afraid I simply don’t have the bandwidth to take on new clients right now.”

“Are you saying that you’re too busy to take on Aunt Hattie’s favorite nephew as a patient?” I teased.

“Exactly,” she replied cheekily.

“Thanks, Dr. Ryan,” I said, picking up the card. “I’ll reach out.”

“I want you to know that you’re doing a lot better than you give yourself credit for. I’m very impressed with your dedication to your friend, and I believe she is going to come through this, and so are you, stronger than before.”

When we were ready to part ways, Dr. Ryan gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Oh, Rhett," she threw over her back as she walked away. “Tell Hattie she owes me a bottle of Krug for this."

I laughed, the sound feeling almost foreign. Damn, but Dr. Ryan was right; I hadn’t been taking care of myself. I was tired and cranky. Confused and belligerent. Yeah, I needed help myself.



Rhett told me he’d be in the gazebo by the pond so I could talk to my therapist in private.

The light coming through the cottage windows was warm, golden, and alive—the kind of sunlight that felt like hope.

Gah! I was so maudlin these days!

It had been three weeks since the night Rhett found me crumpled and hollow in my bedroom. And though I was still shaky, today I felt steady enough to talk to my therapist.

I sat cross-legged on the couch, a blanket draped over my lap. My laptop rested on the coffee table, and my therapist, Dr. Bryan Allen, was on the screen. We’d been meeting virtually since I left California, and despite the distance, his presence grounded me. We’d been working together for nearly ten years, and he knew pretty much everything there was to know about me.

“How are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m so sorry,” I gushed. “I know it must’ve been weird for you to have Rhett cancel our appointments, but I just couldn’t, you know? And then…I just don’t…and?—”

“Pearl,” he stopped me from speaking in his gentle voice. “You havenothingto apologize for. And just in case you’re worried, I didn’t speak with Rhett or anyone else you know. He spoke to my assistant, andsheconveyed to me that you were canceling your appointments.”