Aunt Hattie tilted her head, narrowing her sharp eyes at Rhett. “Well, you look like you’ve been through hell, darlin’. What’s happened now? Don’t tell me your father has driven you to drink before sundown.”
“Only tea,” Rhett joked weakly.
“You want to talk about it?” Aunt Hattie offered.
Rhett gave her a weary smile, running a hand through his hair. “I called off my engagement with Josie last night.”
The air seemed to shift in the room, a ripple of surprise followed by silence. My heart stopped for a beat, my breath caught in my throat.
Aunt Hattie’s lips curved into a broad smile. “Good for you. I’m assuming the shit has hit the fan?”
Rhett laughed in self-deprecation. “Not yet, but it’sgoing to. She didn’t take it well. I wanted to do it quietly, but she insisted we eat at Elizabeth’s and?—”
“Please tell me you didn’t dump her in a public place, Rhett Vanderbilt,” Aunt Hattie chided.
“I thought we’d talk, but…she’s fuckin’ delusional, Aunt Hattie. I’m telling her we’re not working out, and she’s telling the server she can’t eat bread ‘cause she needs to fit into a wedding dress.” Rhett ran a hand through his hair. “Next thing I know, my temper ran away, and I told her we’re done. She threatened to sic my father on me.”
“Well, she will,” Aunt Hattie remarked calmly. “But, son, we both know that he doesn’t have the power in this relationship; you do.”
“I do?” Rhett obviously didn’t believe that.
“You hold the purse strings,” Aunt Hattie stated triumphantly. “And in Savannah, the one with those strings, is the puppeteer.”
“Youhavemet my father, haven’t you?” Rhett commented sarcastically.
“George Vanderbilt is a pompous ass, and I feared for a long time that you’d end up like him.” She looked at me when she said that, and I knew why. What Rhett had done to me was most definitely on the path to pompous assholery.
“And now?” Rhett prompted.
“Now, I think you’re going to be fine, as long as you don’t let George bully you into living a life that isn’t meant for you.”
“Whatismeant for me, Aunt Hattie?” Rhett askedwearily. “I don’t know anymore.” He turned to look at me then, his eyes bleak.
I didn’t say anything. What could I say?Hey, real glad you ditched that bitch, now, how about you and I shake it up like old times, without the pool scene?
“Oh, please!” Aunt Hattie scoffed, waving her hand dismissively. “We’re all figuring out who we are,andall the time, that’s called growing. In any case,thatgirl wasn’t right for you, and deep down, you knew it. Took you long enough to get rid of her.”
Missy returned with a plate of ham and pimento cheese sandwiches for Rhett, the edges of the bread perfectly golden from a quick toasting in the skillet. She set it down in front of him, the aroma of melted cheese and smoky ham wafting up, before settling back into her seat with a satisfied look.
“He broke off the engagement,” Aunt Hattie announced.
“Thank God,” Missy exclaimed with noticeable relief.
Rhett raised an eyebrow at her. “You too, Missy?”
Missy shrugged, utterly unapologetic. “Couldn’t stand that Vance girl. Pretty face, but that’s about it. No depth. No heart. And don’t even get me started on her mother.Now,eat something.”
Dutifully, Rhett picked up a sandwich, and I could almost see the energy flow back into him as he chewed.
Aunt Hattie smirked at Missy’s bluntness. “Well said.” She then turned to me. “What do you think, Pearl?”
“Not my place to think about this, Aunt Hattie,” I replied flatly.
I couldn’t even fake a smile.
He was free.
Rhett Vanderbilt was no longer engaged. No longer tethered to Josie Vance.