“Beaumont charm sounds like an oxymoron.” I held up my iced tea with a toast.
Missy chuckled. “Now, Miss Pearl, you know Hattie’s got a knack for ‘voluntelling’ people to do things. If she says you’re going to charm them, you better believe it.”
Hattie gave a mock gasp, clutching at her pearls. “Missy, you wound me. I merely guide people toward theirtruepotential.”
“Guided me right into a whole lot of trouble over the years,” Missy reproached.
I smiled, watching the easy banter between the two of them. Missy had a way of making Hattie seem less like the Grande Dame of Savannah and more like…well, herself.
“What’s the focus this year?” I asked, steering the conversation back to the event.
“Women’s healthcare,” Hattie said, her tone growing serious. “We’re partnering with the Savannah Women’s Health Initiative to raise money for free mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, prenatal care—you name it. The need’s greater than ever, and Lord knows we’re in a state that doesn’t make it easy for women to get the care they need.”
Missy shook her head in disgust. “There are so many women falling through the cracks, especially those who are underprivileged. This could make a real difference.”
I felt a swell of pride for both of them—Aunt Hattie for using her influence to push for change, and Missy for being the steady, guiding hand behind so many of Hattie’s efforts.
“Do we have a venue yet?” I asked, already thinking about the logistics.
“The estate, of course.” Hattie gestured around her. “Who else in Savannah has a garden that could accommodate half the city and still leave room for a dance floor?”
“You’re not wrong,” I admitted. It was not difficult to picture the sprawling grounds filled with guests in their summer best, sipping champagne and pretending not to sweat in the Savannah humidity, still raging in the autumn.
“We’ll also need you on the finance end, Pearl. Someone needs to manage the budget and all of that,” Missy added, her sharp eyes meeting mine. “We’re going to auction off some big-ticket items—a trip to Paris, a private dinner with a Michelin-starred chef, that kind of thing. Hattie’s good at shaking the tree, but you’re the one whohas to make sure every penny ends up where it’s supposed to.”
“I’m all in.” This was one of the things I loved about being back in Savannah, working with people like Aunt Hattie and Nina Davenport to help the community. In Los Angeles, I workeda corporate job and nothing more—here, I had the contacts and network to do more.
Aunt Hattie reached over and patted my hand. “I knew I could count on you, darlin’. And who knows? Maybe we’ll even find you a dance partner that night.”
I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t help smiling. “Let’s focus on the fundraising first, shall we?”
“Fine, fine,” Aunt Hattie chuckled.
Missy raised her glass. “To women’s healthcare—and Miss Pearl, for putting up with us.”
“To women’s healthcare,” I echoed, clinking my glass against hers.
We were discussing guest lists and catering when the doorbell rang. Shortly after that, Rhett walked in, following a maid.
“Well, well, two of my favorite people with me at the same time.” Aunt Hattie rose and hugged her nephew.
“And what am I, chopped liver?” Missy complained.
“I think she meant you and Pearl, Missy.” Rhett leaned down to kiss Missy’s cheek.
I was grateful he only smiled and said hello to me, keeping his hands to himself. I was on shaky ground with Rhett—my feelings were all over the place.
“Have you eaten lunch?” Missy asked.
Rhett looked strained. He had dark circles around his eyes. “I’m fine, Missy. But I wouldn’t say no to some of that iced tea you got there.”
Missy didn’t need to be told twice. She headed toward the kitchen, muttering about fixing him a plate, whether he wanted one or not.
I poured him a glass of iced tea and set it in front of him. He sat in an armchair across from Aunt Hattie while I sat next to her on a loveseat.
We were surrounded by greenery both inside and out, making the garden room feel like a tropical paradise but cooler.
“Thanks, darlin’,” he murmured. He drank half the tea and set the glass down, looking pensive.