Page 15 of Never the Best

I had grown up with Josie, so I knew she could be a malicious bitch—but to lie about a baby?No. I didn’t believe that at all.

"Oh, I could absolutely see her doing that. I mean, think about it,” Rose considered. “Women like her are waiting to get married, and she wasted five years of her life with Dylan. Now, she's past her prime?—"

"She's my age," I protested.

"Past her prime by Savannah standards," Rose expounded. "I know because I'm almost a dried-up old hag at thirty-four. I love my life and am not interested in getting married."

"That's because you have that friends-with-benefits relationship with…what's his name? That hunky blonde who works for Gabe?" Aunt Hattie queried.

The music changed from classical to jazz. That would be for Rhett, I thought. He was a jazz lover, had been when….

Stop thinking about the past, Pearl! That way lies pain.

"Devon." Rose dropped her empty glass of champagne on the tray of a passing server and picked up a fresh one. She lowered her voice. "So, Hattie, how do you know she lied about the baby?"

I was still nursing my first and only glass. I hated being here, seeing Rhett celebrating getting married, and there was no way I could force food down my throat.

Aunt Hattie gave her a sly look and said in a bad German Gestapo accent, “We have our ways.”

“Come on, spill, woman!” Rose demanded good naturedly.

Aunt Hattie only laughed.

I loved Aunt Hattie. She was the embodiment of Southern grace, with her silver-streaked chestnut hair sweptinto an elegant chignon, and a timeless beauty that had only deepened with age. She was a tall woman who carried herself with the kind of regal poise that turned heads in every room. Her sharp, intelligent eyes missed nothing, and the faintest trace of a knowing smile often played at the corners of her perfectly painted lips.

She knew how to play the game in society, which is why she knew most of what was going on. I didn’t aspire to be her, but I was glad I was not on her bad side.

"Does the family know?" I asked.

"Even if they did, they wouldn't believe it. Saint Josie can do no wrong."

"Does Rhett know?" Rose mused.

"He doesn't want to believe it." Aunt Hattie sounded sad. "He's so busy being a Vanderbilt and being controlled by that asshole father of his that he doesn't know how to live his life for himself. I hate that the boy cannot see himself."

"Parents have a strong hold on us," Rose muttered. "I spent a lifetime tryin' to please my mama, and you know she ain't never gonna be happy with me until I'm married and pregnant."

"But you're not going to let them force you into a marriage," Aunt Hattie pointed out.

The music soared and then started to drop off. I thought it was going to be time for announcements and speeches. We'd hear from the happy couple's parents and then the couple themselves, who'd share stories about how they met and how much they loved each other.

Shoot me the fuck now!

"I came close a few years ago…very close." Rose took a deep breath.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Thankfully, he dumped me."

"He didn't dump her; she made him," Aunt Hattie explained to me with a twinkle in her eyes.

"How did you do that?" I was curious as hell.

"I made sure he saw Devon fucking my brains out," Rose said happily.

"I want to be just like you when I grow up," I blurted out.

We laughed, and eyes turned to look at us.