Page 9 of Cold Foot Croc

“Oh. Oh! No. None of them. Not a single one of the Cold Foot Crew. Nope.”

His teal eyes snapped to her. “Where’s the dad of your kid?”

She inhaled sharply and held her breath, debating on how to answer that. “He’s dead.” She tipped her chin toward Wreck’s territory. “Damon told King that he’s dead.”

“Aw, fuck. Shit. Goddam—sorry.” He stood up straighter and huffed a steadying, frozen breath. “Shoot. I’m so sorry that happened.”

“I’m not,” she said softly.

A slow frown took his face, and he parted his lips to say something, but she interrupted him.

“I’m really messed up. And I’m still trying to find my footing here. It was just really nice to talk to you this morning, and I came here with that invitation as an excuse to try and get more time with that feeling.”

“What feeling?” he asked.

“Like I’m normal. I felt that this morning, and it was kind of nice.”

“You seem normal to me,” he said. There was truth in his voice, and God bless that man for it.

A smile took her face, and she ducked her gaze so he wouldn’t see the blush growing in her cheeks.

“I don’t think I should come to the baby shower though.” There it was.

“I understand,” she uttered quietly.

“It’s Wreck’s territory, and I’m…”

“I get it.”

“I’m just…”

“It’s totally understandable.”

“Damon has already called me and chewed me out for existing in this territory with no registration, and I’m just trying to keep to myself. I need to stay out of trouble.”

“Yeah.” She nodded and looked up at him, forced her smile. “See you around, okay?”

He nodded slightly, and she took her leave.

“You aren’t crazy, you know,” he called. “But you’re definitely trouble.”

She resisted turning around. She was not trying to be trouble.

Trouble just kind of followed her.

It always had.

Chapter Three


Raynah turned away from Timber’s cabin for the third time and marched toward her own cabin. She was not falling down this rabbit hole.

“Are you okay?” Cash asked as she passed his home.

Raynah yelped, startled. “Yes! I’m fine!”

“Okay, your overreaction says you aren’t fine, ya psycho.”