“I mean, it wasn’t smart to come into this territory to witness the paperwork being served.”
“They better cancel that shit,” Garret growled.
“The blue dragon is already working on it,” Wreck assured him.
Garret inhaled deeply, looked up at the sky, and counted to five to steady his pulse.
“Whoa,” Wreck murmured. When Garret looked over at him, the Alpha of the Cold Foot Crew was frowning down at his phone.
“Is that who I think it is?” Kade asked, staring at his own phone. King and Reed were looking at their phones too.
“What?” Garret asked.
“We just got a text that says, ‘Crocodile.’” Wreck’s frown deepened, and he looked up at Garret. “It’s signed ‘Beaston.’”
Chills rippled up his arms at the name. Even when he’d been human, Garret had heard about the legend of Damon’s Mountains. Beaston was some kind of future-teller.
Crocodile? Why did he text the Crew that?
“Garret?” Sasha called from inside. The door flung open, and Sasha appeared. She wore the biggest grin he’d ever seen. “Raynah’s asking for you.”
He took the stairs three at a time and rushed through the door. “Where?” he asked.
“Loft,” Sasha said, following him toward the stairs. “She wanted to be by the nest. Her instincts are really big right now.”
He took those stairs three at a time too, and then froze at the top of the landing. The wooden partition had been moved to the side, and Raynah was leaning against the wall, propped up on a pillow just beside the big bedroom window. A big comforter was draped over her, and the room smelled like copper. Her cheeks were pale, and the smattering of freckles there were stark in contrast. She had makeup under her eyes, and her hair was a mess, and her eyes were full of emotion…and he’d never seen her more beautiful than she was right now, holding the little bundle in her arms. Timber and Katrina were kneeling on either side of her, and both looked overwhelmed with emotion. Timber had her hand over her mouth, and was staring at the little baby in Raynah’s arms.
“Is he okay?” he asked in a whisper.
Raynah shook her head, and tears streaked her cheeks as she looked down at the baby. “He’s a she.”
Garret frowned and approached slowly. “What?”
“It’s a girl,” Sasha murmured from beside him. “Raynah had a perfect little baby girl.”
But…what? He remembered her saying jackals only made baby boys. Right?
Timber and Katrina moved back, and he knelt beside Raynah and gently moved the blanket away from the baby’s cheek to see her better. Oh, she was beautiful. Just like her momma. She was just perfect. His eyes were rimming with moisture. He couldn’t help it. His heart felt too big for his chest right now.
“Oh,” Raynah squeaked out emotionally. “If you cry, I’m going to lose it.”
He slid his arm around her and pulled her tight against his shoulder, rested his cheek against Raynah’s head as he stared down at the little baby slow-blinking up at him.
My girls.
This right here made every single thing that had happened worth it.
He no longer cared what had made him, no longer cared who his Maker was, no longer cared about going back, no longer cared about missing his old life. If his old life hadn’t died, he wouldn’t be here, in this moment, with his animal promising to protect these two with his life.
A girl. A baby girl.
He sat up straighter as he remembered what had just happened outside. “She’s a crocodile.”
Raynah lifted her emotional gaze to his. “W-what?”
“The guys got a text from Beaston. He messaged the Crew. Do you know who Beaston is?”
“Wait, are you serious?” Katrina asked. “Who has their phone?”