She cried out and doubled over at the pain in her stomach, and now the women were looking back at her with that same damn shade of eye color as the Jackal’s. These were his people.
Wreck’s Mountains were crawling with jackals.
“Timber, get her inside,” Wreck demanded.
Sasha and Katrina were running for her now.
“King, I said stay back,” Wreck barked out. “Stay. There! That’s an order!”
On King’s porch, an enormous silverback gorilla was pacing the length of it, never taking his eyes from the Jackal, who had positioned himself in front of his people.
“He’s dead though,” Raynah choked out. “That’s a ghost. That’s a ghost. He’s dead.”
Katrina grabbed her arm. “That’s not the Jackal. That’s his fucking brother. Let’s go.”
Raynah slung Katrina’s grasp off her arm. “Stop telling me to go inside! What the fuck is happening?”
“She’s going to set Garret off,” Kade warned from his porch. “Wreck! Release my order. Let me go with the girls.”
“Stay back from here, only go with the girls,” Wreck barked.
Kade huffed a breath like he’d been holding it, and hopped over the porch railing of his home. He headed straight for Raynah, positioning himself between her and Garret, who was pacing behind Wreck, looking like he was going to lose it.
“Cash, you too?” Wreck asked.
“Nope, let me stay here in case the gorilla goes off,” Cash said somberly.
“Go!” Kade barked, pointing up to her front door.
“I just want to know!”
Kade pressed his hand on her lower back, trying to get her to go up the stairs, but she lashed out, claws ready, and aimed for his eyes. He barely ducked back in time. “Don’t touch me,” she said, a long hiss at the end.
Kade gritted his teeth and looked back at Garret, who was staring at him. Kade lowered his voice. “It’s the Jackal’s Pack, coming to collect the baby.”
“Collect…the…baby,” she uttered, shocked.
“They have a lawyer and are trying to sue for custody—”
“You want my baby?” she yelled. “You want my baby! You will have to pry him from my cold, dead hands. Let’s see how many of you I take out before you get to him!” she screamed. Another hiss emanated from her as she staggered forward through the pain. “Let’s make bets. I’ll fucking kill all of you.”And ooooh, she could feel her old self coming back. She would. She would kill them.
A smattering of pops sounded, and the roar of Garret’s grizzly shook the trees in the woods.
“Yep, we gotta go,” Kade gritted out. He stooped and picked her up in one smooth motion, then rushed her up the stairs and inside of her cabin.
She struggled, but he had her upright again within a couple of seconds. He shut the door behind them.
“Let me out!” she shrieked, rage consuming her. “I’ll kill them! Let me out of here, I need to kill them!”
Timber and Katrina were standing between her and the door. “You can’t Change right now,” Katrina said softly, hands out like she was trying to calm an injured wild animal.
“Fuck,” Raynah yelped out as she doubled over at another wave of excruciating pain.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Sasha said low. “What’s happening?”
“I think the baby is coming,” she gritted out.
Sasha and Timber exchanged a glance, and Timber shook her head slightly.