“Oh no. What do we do?”
“Stop making me laugh! The baby is pushing on my bladder.”
“Billy-Jack, stop torturing your mother.”
“His name is not Billy-Jack,” she said, trying so hard to control her laughter.
“I have arguments for why his name should be Billy-Jack,” he said as she caught up.
“Let me guess. You know someone named Billy from high school, and he was super cool and won lots of fights and he was your idol growing up, and Jack because he’s a jackal.”
“Nope. Maybe I’m naming him after billy goats which are very nimble and quick, and Jack in the Box, which is inarguably the best fast-food restaurant in the entire universe.”
“Jack in the Box is?” she asked, wiping laughter-tears from the corners of her eyes.
“Uuuh, yeah. Have you ever had their tacos?”
“I have not.”
He clicked his teeth, and then pressed his hands over his chiseled six-pack as his stomach growled. “I would do filthy things for a dozen J in the B tacos right now.”
“I haven’t seen one in Darby.”
“Nope, the closest one is in Missoula. We’ll have to take a trip out there. I’ll blow your mind with that cuisine, and then you’ll be begging me to do…you know…”
She stopped in her tracks. “Do what?”Oh my gosh, he’s blushing.
Garret turned and covered his dick with his hands again, shifted his weight uncomfortably, and wouldn’t meet her eyes. “You know. What you said earlier.”
“Say it.”
“Come on your titties. Look, I’m not trying to be a perv, you said it first. I just…can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve never heard a woman talk like that before.”
“Do you like it or dislike it?” she asked, curious.
“Really like it. Ten stars. Would recommend. Talk filthy anytime you want.”
He was acting so shy. “How long has it been for you?”
“Since I had Jack in the B?”
“Since you’ve been with anyone?”
He pursed his lips, tilted his chin up, and looked her in the eye. Right now, the glowing teal in his was so bright. “Never in this body. The girl in the picture was the last time, and I was human.”
Her mouth fell open. “You’re like a virgin.”
He laughed and shook his head, slung an arm over her shoulder. “Not on purpose. I just didn’t want to hurt anyone. That, and there hasn’t been anyone interesting since my ex. Farrah doesn’t count. She wasn’t real.”
“How long were you and your ex together?”
“Four years.”
“Why did it end?” she asked softly, holding onto the wrist he rested on her shoulder as they walked.
“I wanted more than her. I was ready to settle down. I wanted the kids, the house, the picket fence, the neighborhood watch parties, all of it. I wanted what my parents had. She wasn’t there yet. Not with me.”
“You were a steady boy, weren’t you?”