Page 13 of Cold Foot Croc

You still have the same eye shape and smile.Send.

Wait, you found my page. So you were looking me up?

I’m a curious little crocodile. What can I say?Send.

Ha. Okay, well, do you have any questions about what you found?

Who’s the blonde with the perky tits?Send.

It took a minute for him to reply.That would be my ex.

Raynah narrowed her eyes and began typing.I am feeling…something. I would hate on her, but she looks perfect. She’s actually super gorgeous.Send.So your type is supermodels. Nice.

She cheated on me twice that I know of, and is on her second marriage in three years. I forgot I had that picture still on there. Hold please.

Hold onto what?But before she could hit the send button, he texted her.

Go look at the page now.

A smile stretched her lips as she opened his page again and noticed he had removed the picture with the beauty pageant queen.Soooo…she isn’t your current girlfriend?Send.

God no. We dated years ago. I have zero girlfriends. I can barely keep from Changing on a good day. I can’t take care of a woman. I can bearly control my own life. Get it? Bearly? Bear? Because I’m a bear?

Okay, now her smile was getting really big. He was kinda funny.

Look, I’m texting you for a reason.

Curious Croc asks why are you texting me, Beauty Pageant Boning Bear.Send.

New nickname submission: Badass Bear.

Mmm, veto. Big Ballsack Bear.

Oh fuck. My laugh just sounded so stupid. I’m pretty sure Sasha heard me from her house. Um, also veto? Look, the reason I texted…I felt bad after you left. I don’t want you to think I don’t want to go to the baby shower. I mean, I’ve never been to a baby shower…can I call you? I’m shitty at texting. My fingers are big and my phone is small.

She read his text, then hit the call button.

“Hello?” he answered in the deepest, growliest, sexiest voice that existed on this planet. Good gah, her hormones were running rampant!

“Um, hi, hello. It’s me.” She cleared her throat. “It’s Raynah.”

A deep chuckle vibrated right through the cell phone and settled in her chest. “I guessed it was you. I wanted to tell you that I would like to go to the shower. I have no idea what you even do at them, but I just can’t put my animal in the middle of Wreck’s territory. I just wanted to say that again so you knew it wasn’t you.”

“I’m happy you clarified. That actually makes me feel…better.”

“Great. So how is five o’clock tomorrow?”


“I already got a present for the kid. I can give it to you after I get off work.”

“Wait, what? You didn’t have to get a present. That’s not why I invited you at all. I just thought you could hang out and meet everyone again. You know, put the trauma-night behind us all.”

“Right. I would like to never revisit that night, or talk about it ever again with anyone. Can you meet in town?”

“Five o’clock? I’m working until seven.”

“Working where?”