“I was going to talk to Timber, but now I don’t want to. It’s no big deal.”
The railing of Cash’s porch creaked as he locked his arms against it. “Are you having girl problems?”
“What, like my period? I’m pregnant, Cash.”
“I don’t know how all of that stuff works.”
She kept walking. Just a few more yards and she would be to her front porch. When she started climbing the stairs, Cash landed gracefully right in front of her and tucked big white snowy owl wings back behind himself.
“Holy crap! You can make your wings sprout out of your human body?” she yelled.
“I was the coolest kid at college parties with that trick. I used to tell hot chicks I was an angel,” he told her as he followed her to her front door.
“I don’t know what’s more shocking,” she grumbled. “Your angel wings, or the fact that you went to college.”
“It was community college.”
“Bye-bye now,” she said, pushing her front door closed.
He caught it and pushed it back open. “I’m bored, and curious, and now I need to know what you are freaking out about.”
“Come on! This place is so boring. Everyone is trying to be so well-behaved and not get into trouble, and everyone is so fucking polite, and every day is the same thing. Please, Raynah. Entertain me. I need gossip or drama orsomething!”
She huffed a sigh and considered if she even wanted to deal with Cash-the-Hot-Chick-Tricker.
“Please,” he uttered again, desperation in his eyes.
With an eye roll, Raynah allowed the door to be pushed open and stood in her entryway, arms crossed. “You can’t come in because I want to kill everyone who gets close to my nest.”
Cash disappeared in a blur and reappeared with a snow-covered lawn chair. He used his enormous white wings to brush it off. “Do you like that?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows.
“Stop being creepy,” she grumbled. “Your charms don’t work on me. I’ve heard you say too many stupid things.”
He sank down onto the newly-cleaned chair and draped his wings on either side of it. Indeed, he did kind of look angelic. His feathers were all white with tiny black specks.
“Bestow upon me what troubles your heart, my spicy little frog pond.” And just like that, the angelic-ness justpoof—went away.
“If I was a guy, and I was on social media, what pages would I be on?” she grumbled.
Cash’s eyebrows arched high. “You mean if you had a penis?”
“Forget it,” she snapped, moving to close the door.
“No, I’m being serious. I don’t get it. Can you repeat the question?”
“What’re the popular social media sites now? My old phone is long gone and I couldn’t remember how to get onto my old pages even if I wanted to.”
“You want social media?”
“Kind of.” To see if she could track down Garret’s pages.
“You need an email. Do you have one of those?”
Raynah shrugged. “I’m still learning how to use this dang thing.” She handed Cash her phone, and he searched the home screen. “I don’t see any, but hold please.” He poked around for a minute and then said, “Done.”
“You set up an email?”