Valerius nodded as he cinched the buckle tight. “I think that is a good idea. She will likely have some ideas of how you might reveal yourself to the world with less interruption for everyone around you.”

“Less destruction, you mean.” Caden gave him a faint smile.

In the cold light of day, he’d realized his “plan” or rather lack thereof to just tell the world his secret was insane. He was, once again, reacting instead of planning, which likely just showed how wrong he was to be the ninth Dragon Shifter. One thing he realized was that this didn’t just affect him. His family. His friends. There were actually way more people than just him that would be affected by him coming out, so to speak. He had to do it right.

Valerius cupped his face. “Caden, you are not destructive. You could never be. I said that last night and I meant it. I mean it now.”

Caden nodded, but he thought,How sure would you be of that if you knew I was picked by chance?

He looked at the sleeping Iolaire. Part of him wanted to wake Iolaire and ask why it had made such a poor choice. Another part of him thought he would never ask. What was done was done. And he was afraid of what answer the White Dragon Spirit would give. He just couldn’t imagine the answer being complimentary.

Valerius was frowning again as he looked carefully at Caden. “What are you thinking?”

“Just… feeling a little…”unworthy, but he said out loud, “hungry and nervous,” Caden said.

“Well, I happen to know that Esme always has a huge breakfast with eggs, rashers of bacon, a variety of pastries and more,” Valerius told him, the frown retreating slightly.

Caden brightened at the thought of pastries though he guessed he should be more interested in the eggs and bacon rather than what was the equivalent of dessert for breakfast. But still, the thought of chocolate-filled, buttery croissants and raspberry streusel and blueberry muffins with fresh-squeezed orange juice sounded brilliant about now.

“Esme’s room is in the north tower,” Valerius explained. He frowned again. “I wish I could take you.”

“There’s like one minute before your call.” Caden tapped his wrist where a watch would have been if he had worn one. He got up and kissed Valerius again. “Don’t worry. I’ll find her!”

Caden gave Valerius a final wave as the Black Dragon Kingprepared to answer the video call with two of the world’s leaders. He sort of knew where Esme was. Or at least he thought he did. Ten stairways later, several dozen turns, and finally a lucky break where he simply wandered down a final hallway and caught sight of the two guards dressed in blue silk and silver framing a set of double doors did he realize he’d finally found the right place.

Caden lifted up a hand and smiled to show he was friendly even as the guards stiffened. He realized as one of them--a stern-faced woman with frost at her temples--stepped up in front of him that he had no way of proving who he was or why he should be allowed to see Dragon Queen Esme.

“Halt!” she shouted though he was only a foot away and could hear her quite well. He did halt though, more out of shock than anything else. “Who are you? And what business do you have with Queen Esme?”

“I… ah… we’re friends?” He made that sound more like a question than an answer. Considering Serai had been a long standing friend, he doubted that these guards would let him pass just for that in any case.

The stern-faced woman looked sterner. “Who are you?” She repeated with more emphasis. One of her hands had dropped down to the sword--yes, that was a sword!--on her hip.

“I’m--I’m Caden and--and--”

“Skye, who is it at the door?” Esme’s voice floated out of the opening set of doors.

Without taking her eyes off of him, Skye stated, “A stranger who claims to be your friend. But I’ve never seen him.”

The doors opened wider and Esme stood there in a pair of white culottes and a blue pirate-like top. She appeared tired but looked at him curiously as, obviously, she had never seen him in this form either.

“Young man,” she began, “today is not the day to look for autographs.”

“Queen Esme, wedoknow one another. But you probably don’trecognize me because I’m not wearingall white,” Caden emphasized the White Dragon’s coloring.

Esme froze a moment, thinking, then her expression cleared and she let out a delighted laugh as she realized what he was saying. “Oh, my goodness, forgive me for not recognizing you right away! Come in! Come in!”

He smiled and edged past Skye, who still looked at him with a furrowed brow and uncertain glances. Caden wasn’t sure about her either and only breathed a sigh of relief when the doors were shut behind them.

The room they entered was breezy. Tons of sunlight splashed inside through the thrown open balcony folding doors. The opening to the balcony was over twenty-feet long and gentle breezes tinged with the scent of flowers flowed inside. There was a long dining room table on which were arranged computers, tablets and loose paper. Some photographs, countless documents and more in small neat piles were set before every space.

“Your war room?” Caden gestured to the table even as Esme just stared at him with open interest.

She half turned. “Oh, yes, that’s all of the information I have on Serai. All of the ingoing and outgoing communications she made. Of course, she wasn’t foolish enough to communicate directly with whoever she was working for on these. She undoubtedly had burner phones and other means of communication. But there will be clues here. I will sense something out of place. Eventually.”

“If anyone can figure this out, it’s you. Valerius says that you are the most intelligent of the Dragon Shifters,” Caden said.

A mirthful glint entered her blue eyes. She took his hands in hers. They were soft and cool and there were several rings on them. A square-cut diamond, a round ruby and a rectangular emerald. They were all incredibly beautiful.