Valerius grunted, “But we can only see one bomber. If either of us starts to look for others--”

“They might see and detonate the bomb?” Kaila nodded. “Perhaps Iolaire can cut off the bomb? It is likely in a vest or--”

“No. We cannot chance it detonating. Iolaire must get them out of here then you and I can start looking for others involved in this,” Valerius said, though he knew that it was likely the others--if there were others--would simply detonate themselves.

There’s no other choice. Already they are getting suspicious as Caden isn’t sniffing anyone any longer.

Indeed, the reporters nearest them started to note that Iolaire was now seemingly as frozen as the ice they’d created on the steps.

A male reporter nervously remarked to his petite female counterpart, “What do you suppose Iolaire is thinking, Janet? I would swear that it looks afraid or alarmed!”

“You’re right, Roger. The evident emotion shown by Iolaire with that last member of the Faith has been replaced! I wonder what’s wrong?”

The believer with the bomb wastwitchingand looking around surreptitiously. He saw their feet shifting. They were afraid the gig was up. They would race towards the crowd any minute now and end their lives with as many others as they could in the hopes that Spirits would join with the humans. No matter that he wanted to shield Caden, he couldn’t.

Just like in everything else…

Valerius, what do we do?They’re getting suspicious!Caden’s voice was high and tight.

Valerius breathed in deeply.Caden, you and Iolaire need to snatch the bomber up as fast as you can. Then you need to fly them out of the Below to the open fields far beyond Reach. I’ll have a bomb squad meet you out there.

They’ll detonate before then!The horror in Caden’s voice was unmistakable. But before Valerius had to say some meaningless soothing words, Caden said himself,I understand. The only thing that matters is that they don’t detonate near anyone else!

Exactly. Move as fast as you can,Valerius told him.It won’t hurt you or Iolaire if they detonate.

I know. I’m not worried about that,Caden told him.

Brave boy. Now do it, Caden,Valerius told him.

There was no hesitation. Iolaire’s massive right clawed forelimb shot out and snatched the person with the bomb around the middle. Their arms were pinned to their sides, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t press that trigger. The only hope was that they had dropped the detonator. Then in one fluid movement, Iolaire flexed its legs and was up in the air. The crowd let out confused cries as Iolaire streaked from the Below and was free of the mountain. Valerius let out abreath of relief. They hadn’t detonated! Maybe Caden really could keep them from doing so until he got the bomb squad out there.

Valerius turned to George. “Call Captain Simi of the Claw. Tell him to get the bomb squad out to Iolaire. Do you understand?”

George was just beginning to nod when Kaila grabbed his arm. He swung around and realized that there was another member of the Faith who had a detonator in their hand. They were frantically pressing it but nothing was happening. A few white robed members of the Faith were pointing and crying out at them, not clear what they were doing or why, but knowing it was bad. The bomb was not going off though. Something had gone wrong.

Valerius did not think. He moved. He dove towards the figure in white that was still frantically trying to kill themselves and any others that they could take with them. Or maybe they thought that, like Caden, they would be chosen to bond with a Spirit. He would never let that happen.

Valerius grabbed the figure and then turned with them tight against his body as he leaped into the air and shifted. There were screams from the crowd. He saw people trying to scatter as Raziel appeared above them. The member of the Faith was in his right clawed hand, still frantically pressing the detonator. He crushed them to his chest and covered them with both of his powerful forelimbs. He got in one pump of his powerful wings before he felt the bomb go off and the person become splatter in his claws.

Blood and particles of flesh, bone and organs rained down on the crowd below.


Iolaire shot through the Gash like a white arrow and was out into the day. The blue sky and scudding white clouds that were as insubstantial as cotton candy were so welcome after the closed, almost suffocating interior of the Below.

Caden’s heart though was pumping not from the exertion of flying or the beauty of the day, but fear. Any moment, the frail and tiny human in his hand could explode and he would be able to do nothing. Even though it would only be one death on his conscience--one that hadchosento do this--Caden knew he would be haunted by their death forever. And as a Shifter, forever had a very real meaning now.

Just as they cleared Reach, Caden heard an explosion behind them. They jerked their head around and saw through the Gash the huge form of Raziel inside of the Below. Red “rain” fell down from Raziel onto the crowd. It was blood. It was…

There was another bomber!Caden cried to Iolaire.Valerius! Raziel! Are they okay?

Iolaire let out an agitated sound. But then Caden got the image of Iolaire and Raziel touching foreheads. Nearly touching rather. All was fine. Valerius and Raziel could not be hurt by a bomb any more thanthey could. Even though Caden understood that, intellectually, he still felt sick with worry.

We need to get this one as far away from people as possible, Iolaire!

Iolaire let him glance down at the figure in their right clawed forelimb as they continued to fly. The Faith member’s hood was flattened against their face so he couldn’t see who they were. But if they were one member of his mom’s group, he would recognize them. Hell, he wouldknowthem personally. His mother had her Faith buddies over for dinners frequently. His only hope was that they had called in others to join them for the day’s events. He mentally pleaded for that to be true.

Who is this? Who would be willing to kill themselves and others?