Valerius was silent for a moment and then in a tone that was almost reverent but definitely amused, “Raziel is, too."


“Ithink I could get used to this,” Caden purred as Valerius washed his back.

“As could I,” Valerius murmured.

Caden leaned his forearms against the still cool stone wall even as hot water and silky suds sluiced down his back, ass and legs. The back washing had really become a back rub. Caden really wanted it to change to another lovemaking session, but already they were cutting time short on Valerius getting onto his conference call with the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada. They wanted an update on the White Dragon situation, all the other Dragon situations, and, of course, the bombing.

“You cannot put this off, Valerius,” Chione’s voice had risen up from the tablet that Valerius had blearily squinted at. She hadn’t exactly woken them. The sunlight had slowly lifted the veil of sleep, but he and Valerius had remained cuddling in bed.

“Oh, yes, I can,” Valerius grunted.

Chione actually laughed, before firming her tone, “All right then, youshouldn’tput this off. How about that?”

“Why not? I am comfortable.” Valerius leaned over and kissed Caden’s bare left shoulder just out of Chione’s vision, but she musthave heard the sound. Her cheeks were suspiciously pink and a smile was playing around her lips when Caden looked over at the screen--though she couldn’t see him.

“I see that.” That suspicious smile was growing as were the pink patches on her skin. “But I am sure that the comfort you feel now is but the beginning of many comfortable times ahead.”

“I think she wants me to be a good influence on you and tell you to talk to the world leaders,” Caden said even as he snuggled his head on Valerius’ chest.

“That’s exactly what I’m hoping,” Chione raised her voice a little so she was certain that Caden had heard her.

Caden sighed. Valerius sighed. Chione rolled her eyes.

“It is very difficult being king,” Valerius groused.

“I’m certain that Illarion or Mei or one of the others would be happy to relieve you of that burden, my king,” Chione reminded him.

Valerius growled. Raziel--who Caden could still see in his mind’s eye and who was still asleep--also growled and its legs twitched as if dreaming of hunting Illarion down and ripping off his wings. Iolaire just let out a soft whistle-snore.

“Arrange a call in…” Valerius pursed his lips. “An hour.”

“Thirty minutes. You have a breakfast scheduled with the other Dragon Shifters in an hour,” Chione countered.

“At least I’ll have a reason to get off of the phone quickly.” And Valerius had cut off the connection with Chione.

That was what had led them to the glorious open-air shower. With many kisses and fumbles they had somehow left the sanctuary of the rumpled bed, down the stairs and under the spray of a gigantic rain shower waterhead. There were sixteen jets that sent hot pulsing sprays on their fronts and sides. Caden felt like he was being embraced by hot water. Valerius’ hands lingered on his ass.

“You have five minutes before you need to be on that call,” Caden reminded him even as his cock quivered in front of him. All of this hot water and suds and touching was utterly maddening, but he was determined to be agoodinfluence on Valerius. Too much was going on in the world for Valerius to be distracted.

“Hmmm,” Valerius grunted, but he did slowly remove his hands from Caden after he finished washing Caden’s back and ass.

Caden wilted at the loss of his touch. He turned around in the spray. He found himself touching Valerius, putting his hands on Valerius’ chest. “How Werewolf-movie-corny is it to say I miss you already?”

Valerius tilted his head to the side with an amused smile on his lips. “If I tell you that I feel the same way perhaps it knocks out the corniness?”

Caden grinned, got onto his tiptoes, and kissed Valerius on the lips. Valerius turned off the sprays and they toweled each other off with thick, soft, fluffy towels before going to the racks and racks of Valerius’ clothing. Since it was all black or white, Valerius did not even have to seemingly think as he randomly grabbed leather pants, thigh-high leather boots and one of his many armor pieces that covered his right arm, but left just as much skin exposed as covered.

A servant had gone to Caden’s home to get a bag of his clothes that Tilly had put together for him. He was pleased to note that his sister had packed his favorite jeans with rips on the knees and a soft t-shirt with the name of a band that had long faded away with many washings. She’d even managed to pack the pull-on gray sneakers he loved.

“What do you think about me telling Esme who I am while you are on that call?” Caden asked Valerius.

Valerius turned to face him, still slotting a buckle with a thoughtful expression. “She would be a good person to begin with.”

“It would also show that you don’t suspect her of being behind the bomb business. I mean I’m sure she knows that, but it would probably make her feel better.” Caden shrugged.

His stomach felt a little lurchy about telling Esme who he was, but he was also excited about it too. He thought of talking to her, really talking to her, about the powers they had and loads of other things.