“You clerked for Justice Whyler, didn’t you?” St. John had asked his father.

“I--I did. I’m surprised that you would know about such a thing. It was a long time ago and I was one of many,” his father answered.

“Justice Whyler is a friend of mine. He spoke of you often. He said you had a very strong forward thinking gift. You could see the resultsof a decision beyond the facts in front of you, which is very unusual,” St. John had explained in that bone dry way of his.

“Unusual?” His father said the word as if it was bitter. Then with a keen-eyed stare, his father said, “You mean for ahuman?”

“No, Grant, foranyone.” St. John beamed at him.

His father blinked. Obviously, he was completely blown away by this. Caden hid his smile behind his hand.

“I hear that you are representing the White Dragon,” St. John remarked.

His father’s eyes did not even cut Caden’s way as he answered, “No, I am not.”

St. John’s shrewd eyes narrowed. “And yet you are in the throne room of the king of kings.”

“I am here on other business,” his father half lied.

“Well, it is best not to involve home and work. The strains are simply too great. And our vision sometimes gets blurred by our emotions,” St. John replied obliquely

Caden realized at that moment that the Chief Justice likelyknewthat Caden was the White Dragon Shifter, but was giving his father and Caden cover. Caden realized he never wanted to be on the opposite end of this man’s questioning. He saw and understood way too much. His father’s erect posture and stiff bearing indicated that he, too, knew that he was engaging with a master of verbal warfare.

“I noticed that some of your partners were storming out of the castle while I was coming in. No trouble there, I hope.” St. John’s head tilted birdlike to the side.

His father opened his lips to likely say “no” or “everything’s fine” or, at the most, “there’s only been a slight misunderstanding.” But instead, his father said truthfully, “I believe I’m leaving the firm. We didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things.”

St. John nodded sagely. “They are a good firm, but–if you will forgive me for saying this–slightlypedestrianin their pursuits. Now most firms are mostly conservative in order to serve their clients well, but they truly have lost the spark of creativity with the law. And I say this as a Supreme Court Justice whose life is to uphold what has comebefore, but, at the same time, we must look ahead. Something that, as I said, Justice Whyler said you could do.”

His father narrowed his eyes for a moment then a smile curled his lips. “Justice St. John, are you trying to obliquely offer me a job?”

St. John put an arm around his father’s shoulders. “I might be at that. As King Valerius is otherwise disposed, how about you and I discuss things?”

King Valerius had been warning staff to keep an eye out for Illarion since the Green Dragon Shifter’s pride had been hurt and he was likely to do something stupid and dangerous.

“Caden, will you be all right if I go off with the Justice here for a moment?” his father asked with such a hopeful look that even if Caden had needed his father in that moment, he wouldn’t have kept him.

“Go on, Dad. I’ve got a–a uhthinggoing on so I’m good.” Caden waved him off.

Justice St. John’s lips twitched faintly at his use of the word “thing”. Yeah, the Chief Justice knew he was the White Dragon Shifter and clearly also knew about Marban’s announcement. The two of them had wandered off together while Caden got ready for his big petting moment.

“I think Tilly, more than my dad, will have a cow when she hears about this,” Caden remarked, drawing out of his thoughts.

“She already got her ride,” Valerius growled.

“You aren’t really worried that me giving some kids a ride will damage the fierce reputations of Dragons, are you?” Caden grinned up at him.

“If anyone ever asks me for a ride we shall know just how muchdamageyou and Iolaire have done.” Valerius’ eyes blazed at him, but there was a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“They would have to have a death wish to do that! But I suppose it could happen!” Kaila blew a curl away from her face as she leaned around the stall to peer at what was happening in the main circus ring as Caden was starting to call it in his head.

Marban had roped off a walkway that was near them, but did notlead right to their location, but close enough that they could slip into it without being noticed. The roping continued to form a huge circle right in the very center of the marketplace. The circle was large enough for Iolaire to sit, wings extended, to the delight of the crowd. And there was a huge crowd.

The entirety of the marketplace was filled. The crowd was pressed all the way up to the rope’s edges from the back walls. Those in the front were seated so that those in the back could see. Children were given pride of place at the very front of the crowd, all frisking eagerly for Iolaire. Iolaire was frisking for them too. It expected huge amounts of petting.

Caden was honestly impressed by how controlled the crowd was. That might have been aided by the fact that there were Shifters positioned all around the outside edge of the roped off area every five feet, not to mention that there were more Shifters circulating in the crowd and clamping down on any potential criminal activity. Caden had a feeling the ones around the roped off circle were Swarm Shifters, though he couldn’t say exactly why. Maybe it was the way they moved in this jittery motion followed by periods of extreme stillness. The ones in the crowd appeared to be Rat and Snake Shifters slithering about. There were no police or Claw.

Valerius had originally objected to this, banging one hand on the arm of his throne. “Marban, I will not have a meet and greet with Iolaire turned into a festival for criminal behavior! Pickpocketing! Mugging! And who knows what else! There needs to be order! Captains Simi and Ngoye can--”