“Yes, that’s what I’m trying to do. To be what you need,” Grant said almost desperately. He did not understand why his son was firing him if Caden needed him.
“No, you’re trying to do whatyouneed.” Caden gave him a wan smile. “I want you to be honest with yourself, if not with me, Dad. What is a lawyer supposed to do?”
Grant blinked and said uncertainly “Represent his client’s best interests and--”
“No, actually, you’ve told me this yourself and that is that a lawyeradvisesa client as to what their best interests are, but after the client makes a decision--so long as it’s not illegal--the lawyer assists them in getting that,” Caden corrected. “Not what the lawyer thinks is best and certainly not what the client doesn’t want. Right?”
Oh, Caden, I truly see what you are doing here, Valerius said sadly.This will strip him of his last vestige of hope.
I know. But I have to do it. I see now what’s happening and I… I have to take control finally, Caden answered.
Grant looked flummoxed for a moment, but then knowledge flooded his expression. “Caden, it’s because I’m your father, too, and I know you that I’m--”
“Going against my wishes?” Caden stared hard at him.
Color heated Grant’s cheeks. “I’m trying to do what’s best for you.”
“As my dad, that’s fine… though we need to talk about it. But as mylawyer? No lawyer acts against his client’s desires, do they?” Caden pressed.
Grant’s head lowered. “Caden--”
“No lawyer does that,” Caden said quietly.
“Will he admit the truth of the boy’s words?” Marban muttered, stroking his chin.
“He is a logical man. He will admit it. In time,” Valerius said.
Grant put a hand to his right temple as if he was in pain there. “I want to keep yousafe.”
“You’ve got a wonderful mind, Mr. Bryce,” Rose suddenly said. “A good head on your shoulders.”
Grant turned to her. A wry smile on his lips. “But? I can tell you don’t think I’ve been using those things in regards to Caden.”
Rose lowered her head then lifted it and looked Grant in the eyes. “I told Caden that his parents would reject him as soon as they found out he was a Shifter.”
Grant blinked. “I want to say that I cannot imagine any parent doing that. But I know it happens.”
“It does. Far more often than you’d think. So, in truth, I never even considered what it would be like for a parent whodidn’tturn away,” Rose said tentatively. Her hands laced together in front of her. Valerius could see her extreme discomfort in opening up this way, but she pressed on, “You love your son so much, and here he is with that big heart of his in the middle of… well, control of the world.”
“No, Rose, I’m not--”
“Yes, Caden, youare. And the fact that you don’t really get that a lot of the time is what is probably driving your father to distraction… and Valerius too.” Rose laughed softly when she saw Valerius nod. “Your good nature is a double-edged sword. It is the reason I feel--and I think so many people do--that it’swonderfulthat someone like you is in power. But it is also the reason why people fear for you so much. You don’t see the bad in people even when they show you it.”
Caden blinked and lowered his head. “Everyone makes mistakes. I can see how they got to the point they’re at.”
“Yes, exactly. You can put yourself in their shoes even when you would never do such a thing as they have done.” Rose swallowed. “That’s how you saw the good in me, even in Marban. That’s why you have a grumpy Dragon over there allowing people to shout at him who should know better.”
Grumpy Dragon?Valerius lifted an eyebrow at her. Rose pretended not to see.
“Mr. Bryce, I get it that you want to protect Caden, especially from himself.” Rose gave a tremulous smile to Grant who returned it. “You’re sick with worry. As a lawyer, and as someone who lived a little longer than Caden, you can see things ahead that he can’t.”
“Exactly!” Grant brightened. “That’s why--”
“That’s why you can’t be his lawyer. Like Caden was saying. The truth is… Caden has got to make his own mistakes,” Rose interrupted. “You can advise him, but you cannot take the choices away from him. And, believe me, there are so many things in the short time I’ve known your son that I wanted to stop him from doing, because I wascertainthey were bad ideas. Some of them were.”
“Not all of them though!” Caden cried.
“Exactly. Not all of them. And those Caden gets right, they aresoright,” Rose explained. “You and I look and see dangers and problems and bad outcomes. Caden looks out and sees… opportunities. And the thing is, I believe, that it isthisquality that makes you and I want to protect him from himself, that matches his Spirit. Caden is the ninth Dragon Shifter for a reason.” Rose’s hands had unclenched and she was reaching for Mr. Bryce. “You need to let him be who he is. Even if that means he makes mistakes, because some of those mistakes are going to teach him and others… others won’t be mistakes at all.”