“Not anymore. Or, at least, not about you, Caden,” Esme replied. “He is very involved.”

Caden colored. “Well, he’s--he’s protective of me because I’m new.”

“New? Hmmm, he was never like that with you, Tez, when you were new, was he, dear?” Esme turned to Tez.

Tez looked almost startled. “What? No! I believe the first time we met he shouted at me.” Tez sniffed. “And scowled. It upset Eldoron greatly.”

Caden’s lips wanted to twitch into a smile, but he pressed them tightly together so he didn’t upset Eldoron too. Rose covered a snicker by turning it into a cough.

“And, Kaila, was Valerius protective of you when your Spirit bonded with you?” Esme asked.

Kaila shrugged. “I don’t remember. It was more important to speak to my dolphin friends than him.”

“So that is likely ano.” Esme sighed.

Caden’s cheeks flamed hotter and he looked at the ground. “Maybe he just thinks I need more help than you guys did.”

“Caden!” Rose shook her head in faint exasperation. “Marban said that the moment he saw the two of you together that there was something more there.”

“Marban said that?!” Caden’s eyes went huge.

“Anybody who has ever seen the two of you together says that!” Rose laughed.

“I didn’t know it was so obvious. Things have just…” Caden blushed but pushed out, “gotten more serious recently.”

“Other than the Dragon fighting, it seemed like you guys were pretty tight from the very beginning. That night on the bridge, he picked you up and flew off with you,” Rose reminded him.

“That was to get me out of trouble.” Caden was scrubbing the back of his neck again, which had also turned bright red he was sure.

Tez seemed fascinated by Caden’s blushes. He had abandoned his fruit cocktail--or maybe there were no more grapes--and was sitting on the edge of his seat, all agog. “Caden, are you and Valerius…mates?”

Caden immediately thought of Iolaire and Raziel, how their heads werenearlytouching as if they were inhabiting one body instead of two.

“Tez!” Esme chastened. “You do not ask that!”

“Well, how are we to know if we do not ask?” Tez challenged her.

“You need to be told?” Kaila looked bewildered.

“It is better than making assumptions!” Tez’s voice was high.

Kaila rolled her eyes. “If you must be told then you must be quite blind.”

“I would not beaskingat all if I wereblind.” Tez scowled at her.

“We haven’t--haven’t discussed it,” Caden said quickly, which was true.

“Do you need to discuss it, dear?” Esme gave him a knowing smile.

He lowered his head again. “It’s just starting.”

“Yes,” Esme nodded. “But I will tell you something, I haveneverseen Valerius with anyone like he is with you.”

Tez eagerly nodded, too. “Yes, he is not romantic! As I said before, Valerius does not like people!”

“But he likes you, Dragon puppy.” Kaila patted his cheek.

“I am not a Dragon puppy!” Caden laughed.