Marban cocked his head to the side as his eyes narrowed. “Youdefinitelyknow something. I am intrigued and a little alarmed.”
“We think we know who is behind the bombings,” Chione answered. “Though, if we are right, I am not sure how to defend against them.”
“The Faith…” Marban guessed. His expression went from thoughtful to angry. “Of course, it would be them!”
“They know the rule, Marban. But they see the top as Shifters, not only because Shifters are dominating every profession and so much more,” Chione said, “but also because they believe Shifters are… well,gods.”
“Zealots,” Marban hissed. “That is not good.”
“No, it is not,” Valerius agreed.
Marban grabbed the bottle and refilled their glasses. Valerius hadn’t been the only one to drink theirs down.
“You cannot offer someone something greater than their religion offers,” Marban stated. “That kind of belief is very difficult to shake, especially now when Shifters are right here. No longer do you have to have faith. Proof of what you believe is all around you.”
“Exactly,” Valerius said, cradling his drink against his chest.
He had only really thought of how Caden revealing his identity would affect the young man. Not how it would affect others. Caden would be a symbol of what was possible. Would people be blowing themselves up in the hopes that they would join the top? He shut his eyes. Feeling dizzy and sick.
“I was always glad that you never were as in love with the Faith. But you’ve allowed them to continue on,” Marban stated, his lips writhing back from his teeth. He reminded Valerius of a Rat Shifter rather than a Swarm Shifter.
“Freedom of religion is something guaranteed in Valerius’ territory,” Chione responded with a little fire in her demeanor. “People who believe are not dangerous.”
“So long as they do not act on those beliefs and decide to blow people up in the hopes of creating more Shifters,” Marban retorted.
“Caden’s own mother is a member of the Faith, and I am certain that she wouldneverblow people up,” Chione answered.
“But Serai did,” Valerius interrupted the argument. “And others will too.”
“Bringing the ninth Dragon Shifter into the world will just add to that zealotry,” Marban muttered.
“We saw another explosion at the Humans First meeting, but thankfully, there were no deaths,” Chione stated. “Is that why they haven’t done more?”
“They cannot be sure that the bomb created the ninth Dragon Shifter,” Valerius stated. “Caden hasn’t told his story. Perhaps they need confirmation before they truly get going. After all, the ninth Dragon Shifter could have simply been hiding all this time. Though why they would, I do not know.”
“Because Cadenisgoing to tell his story,” Chione said, a look of growing horror on her face again.
“Yes,” Valerius agreed. Despair wanted to well within him.
“Should we tell him not to?” Chione asked. “Should we tell him to lie if he does?”
All of these were good questions. All of them were things he hadn’t considered. They added a level of complexity that was almost mind numbing. And all of it would be on Caden’s shoulders even though Valerius would tell him that it was not his fault what others did.
At that moment, Simi came out onto the courtyard. His eyes slid to Marban for a moment, and a flicker of disgust crossed over his handsome features, before he bowed low and said, “The Bryces are here, my king. They are demanding to see their son. And they’ve brought a boatload of lawyers with them.”
“What do you suppose they’re talking about? Valerius and Marban?” Caden asked Rose.
She was tense as a bow beside him. “You think Valerius is saying anything? I’m wondering if I’ll have a grandfather left after Valerius shreds him or uses that hellfire on him that you told me about!”
They were standing together on Esme’s balcony with Esme and Tez seated at one of the garden tables a little way down from them. Kaila was on the other side of them, leaning over the balcony railing so far that her bare feet had left the ground.
“They are too far away to hear.” Kaila was leaning over the railing and craning her neck. “Can’t see them either.”
“They are in the throne room, dear. Valerius is impressing upon Marban the full weight of his kingship,” Esme answered as she continued her scan of Serai’s electronic communications, still searching for the conspirators behind the bombings. “But knowing Valerius’ feelings about Marban, I am certain the subject of death, throttling, burning to a crisp and the like came up.”
“I know!” Kaila was kicking her feet, rather like she was treading water, but instead was treading only air, as she tried to somehow see the throne room. Caden resisted the urge to pull her back. If she felloff she’d just shift into her Dragon form. But still, he felt a little sick watching her teeter. “That’s why I want to hear and see! I am betting it is an epic beatdown.”