“No. This is my private space.”

“But you’re letting me be here. Making love here. Sleeping here?” Caden made the last sound almost like a question. As if he would kick Caden out after being done with him!

He cupped the young man’s face. “Yes, sleep here, love here, be here.” He kissed Caden’s nose to lessen the impact of those words. He didn’t want Caden running. Then he was getting up from the bed.

“What—where are you going?” Caden squawked, his hands questing for Valerius, but just missing him.

“To get lubricant. My monster wants to find its home in your body,” Valerius said, knowing it was cheesy, but saying it anyway.

He had just spun on his heel to run down to the platform where his bath was when Caden called out his name, “Valerius!”

Valerius spun around. Caden was up on his knees. The ripped shirt fluttered open, showing all of his loveliness. Valerius’ breath caught and his cock throbbed. If he wasn’t careful, he could cum just at the thought of Caden.

How long has it been since I’ve felt this? Never. I’ve never felt this.

“Valerius,” Caden repeated and he nervously licked his lips, and Valerius thought he wouldn’t say what he intended, but would make a light-hearted comment instead. Yet Caden pressed on, “It’s not for me either.”

Frowning, as he was unclear on Caden’s meaning, Valerius asked, “Not what?”

“Casual,” Caden said after a moment’s hesitation. “It’s not casual for me. This.” He gestured between them. “It’s like those movies for me.”

Valerius took two long strides back to the bed. He caught Caden’s chin and kissed him hard and fiercely to try and imprint what he felt in that touch of lips.When he pulled back, Valerius’ throat was tight as he took in Caden’s beautiful hazy look of happiness, but he managed to get out, “They should be writing movies about us. They will be.”

Caden let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah, because Dragons are so much better.”

“Because what we have is real.”

Then without waiting to see what Caden’s reaction was, he went to get the lube.

Caden watched as Valerius jogged down the steps to where a shower and bath just stood out in the open. Not that he was looking at the shiny chrome or sleek fixtures—though he definitely wanted to bathe there—but instead he was gazing at Valerius.

Real? This is real. And not casual!

The thought that maybe Valerius was only with him because he was the ninth Dragon Shifter tried to intrude on his good thoughts. Valerius liked him. Maybe more than liked him. Letting him take all these liberties, opening his private lair, protecting Caden… these were all things that showed so much more of what Valerius felt more than words ever would. He’d dated guys who could talk up a storm with wild proclamations of love, but Valerius could hardly open his mouth without tripping on his tongue when he spoke of emotional things.

Valerius had opened a cabinet, and in his haste and eagerness to get back to Caden, he was simply tossing things over his shoulder. Some of them landed on the broad stone landing, but many moretumbled into space and landed on the ground floor of the tower far below. Caden’s cheeks hurt, he was smiling so broadly. He had Valeriuseager! Valerius was so experienced with sex, that Caden had no hope that he wouldn’t find things with him a little pedestrian, but Valerius seemed as excited as he was.

Caden looked down at his cock. It was already flushed pink and leaking. He could feel his heartbeat in it. He could cum any second, especially if he kept looking at Valerius' muscular ass. He bit his lower lip, reached down, and squeezed the base of his cock until the urge to orgasm faded somewhat. Not entirely. Not even close. But he would be able to last at least until Valerius was fully seated inside of him.

He looked up to see Valerius again, assuming he would still be looking for lubricant, or walking up the stairs. But instead Valerius was rightthere. On the bed. Inches from him. Pants bulging with that barely contained cock. Caden let out a breath.

“How did you get up here so fast?” Caden gasped.

“Enthusiasm.” Valerius cracked a grin, but he looked very determined.

A delightful shiver wound its way down Caden’s spine. “Oh.”

“Prepare yourself for me,” Valerius commanded. His voice was soft, but Caden sprung into action as if he had been shouted at.

Valerius pressed the tube of lubricant into Caden’s hands even as his eyes never left Caden’s face. Caden found himself falling backwards and drawing his feet up towards his ass. He, too, didn’t stop looking at Valerius. They were really doing this! He was actually with Valerius! In his bed! With him there!

And it’s real! He’s real. I’m real. This is real!

He could smell Valerius all around him and that scent made him both feel safe and utterly aroused. He knew Valerius would never hurt him, but there was still that lilt of danger like when one falls asleep with the warm glow of a fire on one’s face, knowing there’s a risk it could set the whole house on fire. Valerius was restrained power and danger with him.

Caden snapped open the bottle of lubricant. It made a shockingly loudsnapas he did. He squeezed the bottle and a gush of lubricantfilled his left palm. It was cool and he should have heated it between his hands, but he didn’t.

With his eyes locked on Valerius, he slicked his fingers and immediately reached down between his legs. Valerius’ heated gaze stayed on his face for a moment before following his hand. Caden wanted to give him a show, but his fingers felt clumsy as he sought his own opening.