“Yes! Exactly.” Tez went back to happily buttering toast.
“What about you, Esme? Are you going to take a ride on the hoverboard?” Caden asked the Blue Dragon Shifter.
“Oh, not with these shoes, dear.” She gracefully extended one foot and showed an expensive high heeled shoe.
“But you can take them off, Esme!” Kaila waggled her bare left foot.
“No, darling. The shoes go with the outfit. Remove them and it doesn’t work,” Esme said as she took a bite of a scone followed by a sip of tea.
Caden smirked and went back to his bacon even as Kaila looked utterly crestfallen. She wouldn’t get any victims today for her hoverboard.
“Perhaps Illarion will try your hoverboard, Kaila,” Tez said with a titter.
Kaila’s eyes widened with alarm as she flipped the hoverboard up into her arms and clutched it to her chest. “I wouldn’t let him touch Dolly!”
“Dolly?” Caden asked.
Kaila stroked the hoverboard, which Valerius noted had the image of a dolphin on it.
“My favorite dolphin. She’s amazing. Truly amazing. I couldn’t bring her here, obviously, because there is no ocean.” Her lips writhed back from her teeth as if it was quite distressing. “So I painted her on my hoverboard and now she’s with me even here in this practical desert.”
Valerius felt piqued. “It isnota desert. This is a temperate zone.”
“Desert,” Kaila murmured under her breath.
“Well, I doubt that Illarion will make an appearance anytime soon,” Esme said with a soft huff of laughter. “He’s recovering from the reality of Caden and Iolaire.”
“What reality?” Kaila looked interested again.
Caden let out a groan and let his head tip back.
“He thought Caden was a girl!” Tez snickered.
“Okay.” Kaila looked as bewildered as Tez had at first, too. “And?”
“He’s not,” Esme said as she looked very amused.
“I don’t follow.” Kaila’s brow scrunched.
“He said we were mates, but is only into women sexually, I guess. It’s a terrible, horrible story and I’m just glad that it's over before it began,” Caden told her quickly. He then narrowed his eyes at her. “You knew I was the White Dragon Shifter immediately.”
“Of course! Which is why this is all so confusing about Illarion…” Kaila’s brow was still scrunched.
“How did you know that, dear?” Esme asked as she wiped her hands on her napkin.
“It’s my sight!” Kaila answered brightly.
No one looked brightly back in return. Everyone looked flummoxed in all honesty.
“If a person is in their Spirit form, I can see their human form and vice versa!” Kaila explained.
“Oh, that’s cool! So I couldn’t have ever kept my identity secret from you…” Caden looked disturbed.
Valerius was and wasn’t surprised. It explained some things such as how Kaila always seemed to anticipate attacks from other Shifters. Basically, she would be able to anticipate the types of powers to be used against her. He wondered how far her sight went.
“Yes, it’s fun!” Kaila beamed. “So… what are we going to do? Huh? Huh?”
“Uhm, eat and then… I was hoping to nap,” Caden admitted with a shy look at Valerius.