Valerius grasped his chin and forced Caden to look at him. “Do not be afraid, Caden.”
Caden caught hold of Valerius’ wrist. “How can I not be? They’re going to use me and Iolaire as proof that their crazy plan is the right one! Plant a bomb and get the ninth Dragon Shifter! What are a few lives compared to that?”
Caden’s words caused a hush to fall over all of them. He knew he was right. Iolaire was making low, sad sounds. It, too, feared that violence was coming, a tidal wave of it, and that it would touch all of them, and more.
“How do we stop this?” Tez lifted his hands into the air in helplessness.
“How do we stop what?” A bright voice came from the doorway.
All of them turned to see a golden-skinned woman who stood over six-feet. Her arms and midriff were bare. She wore a top of what looked like folded green banana leaves and a multi-layered skirt thatcame to her knees. Her feet were bare and she held what looked like a hoverboard in her right hand. Long black hair that hung in loose waves down to her waist framed an expressive, pretty face.
“Kaila!” Esme proclaimed and immediately enfolded the newcomer in an embrace.
“Esme, my dear sister! My fellow water goddess, how I have missed you!” Kaila proclaimed.
They bussed each other’s cheeks before breaking off and looking at one another with evident fondness. Kaila caught sight of Caden over Esme’s shoulders and her bright blue eyes fixed on Caden. She walked slowly towards him, a look of almost awe on her handsome features. She lightly took his hands in hers.
“Ninth Dragon Shifter,” she murmured. “I am Kaila, the Turquoise Dragon, and Queen of the Seas.”
“Come on, Valerius, get on my hoverboard!” Kaila leaned down and wiggled her fingers at him as she said it. As if he was a wild animal she wanted to lure to its doom.
“No,” Valerius said with a shake of his head as he leaned back in his chair.
They were out in the courtyard. Chione had promised to bring Caden bacon in the dungeon, but one whiff of the fire and brimstone in the dungeon had her backing out, waving a hand in front of her face, and telling them she would have a table set out in thefreshopen air.
That was where he, Caden, Esme, Tez and Kaila now were. The table was laden with so much food that it was practically groaning. But the way Caden was inhaling the food--especially the bacon, he’d growled when Tez had evenlookedat the platter--there very well might not be enough. Valerius found himself smiling fondly at the young man. He knew it was ridiculous for him to find a normal Dragon Shifter’s appetite endearing. The way Esme smirked at him told him thatyes, it was ridiculous, but she foundhimendearing nonetheless too.
“Pretty please?” Kaila was now threatening to pout, but unlike Caden’s puppy eyes, he was unmoved.
“No,” he repeated.
She wishes us to fall on our butt and then laugh at us,Raziel snorted and placed its massive head on its forearms.
Indeed,Valerius remarked dryly.
She always laughs at us.More snorts from Raziel.
I think that is one of her powers. To make one feel ridiculous. How can one pretend to be a big, strong Dragon on one’s butt?Valerius muttered.
Kaila was standing while the rest of them were seated. She had the hoverboard on the ground with her bare left foot on it. She was moving it back and forth. It glided smoothly about six inches off the stones. It seemed solid and easy to use, but it wouldnotbe.
Kaila sighed. “I realize that you have neversurfed, Valerius, so your balance might not be what mine is.” She splayed a hand across her chest. He knew that she was trying to goad him into trying the hoverboard. “But I’m sure you’re not soclumsyas to be unable to simply stand on my board.”
“You sound so reasonable, Kaila,” Esme said, but her lips were twitching suspiciously.
“I am.” Kaila’s head tipped back. She was looking at the skies as if the heavens themselves proclaimed how reasonable she was, and how unreasonable he was.
“I am still not getting on that hoverboard,” Valerius murmured as he popped a grape into his mouth.
Her head snapped towards him and her sparkling eyes narrowed. If she did not look so cute, the effect would have been greater.
Not against us.Raziel stretched out a claw and spread its toes.
“Fine! Be uncool! Beboring!” Kaila’s hands were on her hips. “Be an old, fuddy duddy!”
“I think she knows you too well, Valerius,” Tez chuckled as he tucked into a cheese and ham omelet.