Illarion took a large bite of croissant and talking with his mouth full and gesturing around the space stated, “This is not your castle. It is Valerius’. This is his food and drink. So I am just taking my part of his largesse here rather than in my assigned space.” He glared over his shoulder. “Speaking of drink, where is my coffee?!”

“Coming,” Caden grunted.

His hand hovered over the sugar bowl, considering dumping in as much sugar as the coffee could dissolve, but then he realized the goal was not to draw attention to himself. While the plan was to reveal himself, it wasn’t to do so to Illarion. Not yet. Not without Valerius here anyways.

So he plopped two cubes of sugar into the dark brown fluid and a splash of cream that turned it a golden tan. He stirred it with a spoon that was designed to look like a seashell at the bottom. He then presented the coffee cup to Illarion who glared at it. Caden suppressed a sigh and set it down on top of the table. That gave him a clear view of how his entire plate had been devoured. His stomach rumbled and Iolaire looked mournful.

“So what brings you here to eat your breakfast? Other than showing off that Iolaire’s gift finally wore off?” Esme asked tartly.

She gave Caden another look that indicated he should stay and listen. He had been half tempted to leave, but now he saw the wisdom in staying. Illarion would speak far more openly about Iolaire not knowing that Iolaire was right there. So he retreated a few steps to the buffett and stood there as he imagined a proper servant would do. Close enough to spring into action to fill coffee or offer a scone, but far enough away to give the illusion of privacy. He wondered however if he had just watched too many episodes ofDownton Abbey. Illarion though paid no more attention to him then if he had been no more interesting than the stonework.

Illarion swallowed another bite of buttery croissant before heanswered her, “I come to spend time with the Blue Dragon Queen! We have not been in one another’s presence in 30-years! It is but a moment, but yet much has happened in that time, yes?”

“We had not seen each other in over a thousand years before that meeting, Illarion, and much has happened in that time too,” she answered dryly. “So why are you really here?”

Illarion gave her a wolfish smile. “Ah, Esme, your mousetrap mind is a pleasure!”

“I’m not sure it gives me pleasure to be thought to have a mousetrap mind.” Her voice was as dry as the Sahara now.

Illarion shook a fork at her with a spear of egg upon it. “You are smart. Clever. Very clever. Strategic.”

“Yes, well, all of those things are true.” Esme inclined her head, perhaps a little flattered in spite of herself. Considering that her intelligence had been a little battered by being betrayed, maybe she needed to hear that.

“Which is why I do not believe you are behind this bombing in the square.” Illarion scrapped his teeth over the fork, the yellow eggs disappearing.

Caden’s stomach growled again. He surreptitiously grabbed a mini blueberry muffin out of the basket beside him and stuck the whole thing in his mouth after peeling off the paper. He repressed an audible groan as the sweet, rich goodness of the moist muffin smooshed between his tongue and the roof of his mouth.

“Oh, interesting that you think that.” Esme shrugged and took another sip of tea. “You came here to give me moral support? Valerius does not believe I’m behind it so that is all that matters.”

“Valerius!” Illarion barked and bits of egg covered the table.

Esme’s face scrunched up with disgust, but it quickly smoothed back to nonchalance. She handed him her napkin to wipe the wet, partially masticated egg off of his lips and chin. Caden’s gorge rose a bit as Illarion negligently smeared the remnants away before tossing the napkin on the table and resuming eating.

“It is Valerius’ territory that was affected and he is our…” Esme gestured with her right, beringed hand. The jewels on them flashed in the sunlight as she tried to find the right words.

“He’s one of us!” Illarion pounded a fist on the table, which caused the dishes to jump and rattle. “He’s not above us! He’s not our--”

“King?” She lifted an eyebrow. When he glared at her, face reddening to a tomato-like shade, she continued with an almost sigh, “Illarion, you can shake your fists and cry to the heavens, but Valerius is our leader.”

“Only because he has not been challenged!” Illarion spat egg and saliva across the table landing just inches from Esme’s lap.

Caden swallowed his muffin and his stomach rumbled again, but not with hunger this time.

“Challenged?” Esme’s sculpted eyebrows rose as a smile twitched her lipsticked mouth.

That’s total crap!Caden snarled mentally.You couldn’t defeat Raziel if it had both wings tied behind its back!

Iolaire let out a chirp of agreement.

“I am stronger! Mephous’ poison will cause Raziel to drown in its own blood!” Illarion’s whole face was suffused with an almost purple color.

“Are you going to challenge Valerius?” Esme held Illarion’s gaze steadily.

The passionate response abruptly cooled as Illarion speared another forkful of eggs and grinned at her. “Of course. We will fight over Iolaire.”

Caden’s cheeks alternately flushed then paled. He was going to be the cause of Valerius and Illarion fighting? Well, that didn’t altogether surprise him, but this sounded more serious. Illarion wanted to challenge Valerius. That could lead to war.

Esme let out a trill of laughter. “My dear Illarion, that is the most insane idea you’ve ever had and that’s saying something!”