“We want to help. It is not that we do not think you capable, King Valerius,” Prime Minister Stanton said. “But it is, as you said, something they were not expecting or prepared for.”

“We know that they want to go slowly, but the way the world is…” President Goodfellow squeezed the top of her nose. “The world may not allow that pace. And we want to assist in helping them take on that role of leadership, and,yes,we want them to keep that seeming love for humanity they have. A connection between Shifters and humans. Iolaire can be that.”

Valerius understood this. He and the other Dragon Shifters were too old to be as connected to humanity as they once had been. And Caden had been born after the War. He had lived in this split world between humans and Shifters.

“I have heard your concerns and will think about them,” Valerius offered.

It was but a small concession. Caden was not ready for this. It was too much to ask of him.

Iolaire is wise,Raziel muttered. Its head was resting on its claws.These humans are too quick. They take but do not give.

That is their nature, Raziel. Their lives are short and their sense of urgency is ever growing,he said.

Raziel closed its eyelids.Iolaire is all that matters. Not these mortal beings.

But Valerius could not altogether agree. And he doubted that Iolaire or Caden would think so either.

“Will we get to meet Iolaire anytime soon?” President Goodfellow looked rather anxious about that.

Valerius smiled. She was a fan. “Yes, of course. I will arrange some timeafterthe Dragon Shifters have gone back to their territories.”

“Any idea when that will be?” Prime Minister Stanton did not look like he expected a very hopeful answer.

Valerius’ expression went tight. “As quickly as possible. Are we done? For I must--”

“One last thing, King Valerius.” President Goodfellow raised her hand and he was not surprised. There was always one more thing. Her constituents should be thrilled with her. They were getting their vote’s worth.

“What?” His voice was crisp.

“King Illarion… are you going to speak to him about conditions in his territory?” she asked.

He gritted his teeth. He had known she was going to ask thisquestion. He’d had this absurd hope that he’d get away from this conversation without that being brought up.

“I have already explained that King Illarion will not listen to my words, but only my claws, and to go down that route would cause far more damage to humanity,” he reminded her tightly.

“Maybe if it wasn’t just you, but if you spoke with the other Dragon Shifters present they would agree with you and put pressure on him--”

“Peer pressure?” His left eyebrow lifted.

“Surely, even he could not ignore all of you!” President Goodfellow looked so earnest. But she always did.

“I am amazed by your continued belief in the ability for some people to feel shame,” he responded dryly.

She reminded him of a Girl Scout, he realized. She was smart and desperately wanted to do the right thing. She was motivated by this desire to help. But her imagination about people was limited.

Before anyone could speak, Valerius grabbed the remote to end the call. “I have heard your words, I will consider all you have said. I will be in touch.”

He ended the call. The two world leaders winked out of existence. His head fell back and he stared up at the ceiling. He let out a long breath.

“That could have gone worse, you know?” Chione told him with a lilt of laughter in her voice.

He rolled his head to the side to look at her. She looked rather impish. He scowled at her.

“How?” he growled.

“She could have shown up inpersonthis morning.” Chione set the tablet to the side. “That was her intent.”
