Tadhg moves closer, his touch light on my shoulder, but it’s enough to calm the storm in my mind. He’s so steady, so sure. His presence wraps around me like a blanket. “It’s alright,” he swears. “We’ve got you.”
The weight of his words hits me in a way I can’t explain.They’ve got me. It should be enough. And yet, there’s a tension in my chest, a feeling I can’t shake. It’s not fear. It’s something else – something too big, too raw, something I can’t quite name.
My throat tightens again, and the words slip out on a shaky breath. “Thank you,” I breathe. “For…for looking after me. For everything.”
Cathal grins, his trademark lazy smile making my stomach twist. But there’s something deeper behind it, something that speaks of care. Of something more than just a pack.
“You don’t have to thank us,” he says softly. “That’s what a pack does.”
A pack.My pack.
The words settle in, heavy and comforting. They hum deep inside me, mingling with the bond that pulses under my skin. But even as my heart tries to settle into this new rhythm, I feel the tug of conflict. A part of me feels so right here. Another part feels...lost.
I push the sheets off me, suddenly restless. “I should freshen up,” I protest, my voice hoarse from more than just sleep. More than just the pleasure we shared. I need space. Time to breathe. Not because I don’t want them, but because there’s too much, too soon.
Lorcan squeezes my hand once before letting go, and I slip out of bed, heading for the en-suite. I close the door behind me, and a breath escapes me, shaky and uncertain.
I stare at my reflection, and I barely recognise myself. The marks on my neck stand out, bold against my flushed skin. They’re already starting to heal, but it will be a few days – or maybe even weeks – before they take on that silvery luminescence of scars.
A pang for Cathal’s bite hits.
I feel the bond with the others, thrumming beneath my flesh, like a second heartbeat. They are there, constantly, always present now. Not just as a connection, but as a part of me. I feel them in ways that go beyond instinct – beyond familiarity. I feel their strength. Their care. Their need toprotect. Theirlove.
It should be overwhelming. It is, a little. But it also feels...right. Like it’s always been this way, even when I didn’t realise it.
As I step into the shower, the warmth of the water soothes my aching body, but it doesn’t erase the sensation of their presence, still wrapped around me. It’s a new scent, a new feeling woven into my own, and it leaves me wondering just how much I’ve changed.
And then, faintly, I feel it.
Cathal. His presence is muted, not as strong as the others, but it's there – soft and lingering at the edges of my mind.
A pang of sadness pulls at me. He’s not part of the bond – not yet, maybe never. But there’s something in his energy that makes me feel like I’m leaving something behind. Something I hadn’t realised I wanted until it was too late.
I close my eyes, leaning into the spray. It’s too soon to think about this. Too soon to try to unravel the threads between us. But Ineedto. For the pack. For me.
I just don’t know if he’ll let me.
Sighing, I step out of the bathroom feeling fresher. I comb my damp hair back and wrap my body in the comfort of soft, fluffy towels. It still feels strange, moving through this space that has become ours rather than just theirs. But the bond hums gently in the back of my mind, grounding me in a way I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to.
Once I’m dried and dressed and have sorted my hair, I head for the lounge. The guys are already there, waiting for me. Lorcan leans casually against the back of the sofa, Tadhg lounges with his ankle resting on his knee, and Cathal stands near the window, gazing out over the city. They turn to me as one, as if sensing my presence before I even make a sound. The connection between us makes my chest tighten – both comforting and overwhelming all at once.
“Hey,” Tadhg grins, eyes raking over me as his approval and admiration flares through the bond. “You clean up nice.”
I shake my head but can’t quite keep the smile from my lips. “Glad to hear it. I had to scrub myself several times over. I didn’t think all that cum and slick wasevergoing to come off.”
He laughs as Lorcan steps forward. “We were thinking…How do you feel about getting out for a bit? Fresh air, change of scenery?”
I don’t even hesitate. “Yes. Please. I feel like I’ve been trapped in here for weeks.”
Cathal chuckles. “It’s only been a few days.”
“Exactly.” I grab my coat. “Let’s go.”
The sun is bright, but the air is crisp, a cool breeze skimming over my skin as we step out onto the streets of Cork. It feels good to move, to stretch my legs, to breathe in something other than the scent of heat and bonding and tangled sweat-soaked sheets. The guys keep close around me, not in an overbearing way, but in a way that reminds me, subtly but undeniably, that I amtheirsnow. It sends a warm shiver through me, even as I push my hands deep into my coat pockets.
As we walk, we exclaim over things we recognise and things that are new. The city has changed so much in our absence, and yet at the same time, it still feels undeniably like home. So many landmarks remain unchanged, and the vibrancy andheartof the city is as strong as ever, making me nostalgic for what was.
I can’t stay though. I’m not that young naive Corkbetaanymore.