Her smile falls just a bit, and I wonder if I’ve overstepped. “Thanks, but I like to employ the kids around town to do it. It gives them some money and keeps them out of trouble for a little while. They’re just busy this time of year with all their exams. It’ll get done soon.”

I nod. “Okay, just wanted to offer.”

“Thank you for thinking of me.”

“Oh, hey. I was wondering, what do you do to get internet and cable up there? Everyone I’ve called has practically laughed at me.”

She grins, making her blue eyes light up. “I’ll send you some links. It’s pricy, but I work with computers, and having the internet is a must.”

“Thank you. I guess I’ll let you get to work.” I step away from her door and turn and walk back to my own office, wondering if our conversation was weird or if anyone overheard.

A little while later, I’m sitting at my desk with my attention on the computer when someone knocks on my door. “Yeah?” I ask, finally tearing my eyes from the screen to find one of the guys on the force that I haven’t gotten to know yet.

“Hi, sir. I hope I’m not interrupting.”

“Of course not. Come on in and have a seat.” I stand up and shake his hand. “What can I help you with?”

“Well, sir, I know you said you have an open-door policy and that you want us to talk to you about things.”

I nod my head as I watch this kid. He couldn’t be any older than twenty or so. He seems nervous.

“Well, I wanted to come to you and be honest. I’ve been thinking about moving, and I’ve applied to some stations around the state. I listed this as my place of employment and wanted to let you know so that if any of them call, you wouldn’t be caught off guard.”

“Well, thank you for the heads up. Where are you thinking about moving to?”

He shrugs and smirks. “Anywhere, really. I was born and raised in this small town. I just want to get out. See what else is out there, you know? I really want to move to the city. You were working in the city, weren’t you?”

I nod. “I was. But I am the opposite of you. I wanted out of the noise and somewhere a little quieter. The city is…” Immediately, my mind goes back to the night of the shooting.

Fire. Smoke. Screams. The perp shooting at me. The innocents who were caught in the crossfire screaming, praying,and pleading for help. The sound of the bullet whizzing out of the chamber. Blinding pain.

“Sir, you were saying?” His voice pulls me from my thoughts.

“Oh, sorry. I spaced out there. The city is loud, busy. Everything moves fast, much faster than here. The crime rate is a lot higher too, and it is serious stuff. It’s not anything like what you see here. People will run from you. People will shoot at you. You think you’re ready for that?”

He smiles wide from just hearing about the excitement. “Yes, sir.”

I nod my head. “I hate for you to leave before we’ve really had a chance to get to know one another, but only you know what’s best for you.”

“Thank you, sir.” He stands up and shakes my hand before rushing out of my office.



“Nina, some of the guys and I are going out for lunch. You wanna come?” Claire asks, popping her head into my office.

“No, thanks. I’m busy, and I packed a lunch. I was just planning on staying here. Thanks, though.” I offer her a smile from over my shoulder.

“Okay. Will you man the phone while I’m gone?”


Twenty minutes later, I can tell almost everyone has left because the building suddenly gets quiet. Now, everyone can’t leave at once, but I bet there is only one other officer left here, along with the two out on patrol right now. The guys seem to take turns on days we go out. I wonder who got stuck at the station today.

I push away from my desk to head to the break room. I stop dead in my tracks when I see Bryce standing at the microwave, heating up his lunch. His green eyes bounce up and lock on mine.

“Oh, I thought I was the only one here. You didn’t want to go to lunch?”