I wrap my arms around myself as I gaze out over the water at the darkening sky filled with diamonds. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I turn and look at the center and all the people here to support it. It means the world to me that the whole town is here to show their support. Already, there are kids using the skate ramps and basketball courts. It makes me smile to see everyone enjoying my little vision.

I turn back to the water and look up at the sky, sending a silent thank you to my parents for making this all possible. Tomy surprise, strong arms wrap around me, and Bryce’s scent hits my nose. I lean my back against his chest, and we both stare out over the water.

“You did it,” he whispers in my ear as he presses a kiss to my head.

“I couldn’t have done it without you and your support, which is why I’m ready to hear your decision. No matter what it is, we’ll handle it, and we’ll make it. We’ll fight for one another, right?” I turn to face him.

“Right,” he agrees, falling to one knee in front of me.

It feels like the whole world freezes in time as I take him in, him in the gray suit he’s wearing that fits him perfectly. He pulls a box out of his pocket. “Nina, there’s no place I’d rather be than right here with you. I don’t need a fancy job in the city to be happy. I need you. I need this place. I need our family. I’m not taking that job. I can’t stand the thought of missing a single minute living this life with you. Will you please marry me?” He opens the box, and the lights from the party shine off the big diamond.

I gasp at its beauty and cover my mouth. “Are you sure? I don’t want you putting your life on hold for me, Bryce.”

He shakes his head as he takes the ring out of the box. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I want you. I want this town. I want my job. And I want you to marry me. Will you marry me?”

Tears fill my eyes and flow down my face as I nod my head up and down. He slides the ring onto my finger, then quickly stands and pulls me against his strong chest before pressing his mouth to mine in a deep kiss.

He kisses me long and hard, and I know without a doubt that he was right about us. He’s a gift sent to me by my parents. We’re written in the stars, and together, we can take on anything the world throws our way. Together.

When he pulls away, he’s wearing a wide smile. “Now, where can we be alone in this building? I need to make my fiancée remember why she fell in love with me to begin with.”

I laugh but take his hand and pull him into my office. It’s surrounded by windows so I can see out in all directions, but I lower the blinds.

“From the moment this couch arrived, all I could think about was breaking it in with you.”

He smirks as he tugs off his jacket. “Really? Because I got my eye on that desk.”

He pulls me to his chest and lowers me onto the desk as he works my dress up my thighs.

I don’t know how the rest of the party goes because, for the next four hours, we stay locked away in my office and break in the desk, the couch, the floor, and any other surface that will hold me.

“I can’t wait to start a family with you,” I whisper as we lie cuddled in each other’s arms.

“How about right now?” he asks, rolling back on top of me and making me giggle. After two seconds, I’m no longer giggling. I’m lost in him all over again.

I don’t know where our future will lead us, but I know we’re doing it together. As long as we have each other, we’ll always find a way.



The sound of little feet pattering across hardwood floors wakes me before my alarm. I smile, knowing what's coming. Our bedroom door creaks open, and two small figures dart toward our bed.

"Daddy! Wake up!" Four-year-old James launches himself at me while his twin sister Emma climbs up more carefully on Nina's side.

"Inside voices," Nina mumbles, but she's already sitting up to gather Emma into her arms. Even half-asleep, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"But Mommy, it's time for pancakes!" Emma protests, her blue eyes - exact copies of Nina’s—growing wide with excitement.

I scoop James up and toss him over my shoulder, making him giggle. "Pancakes, huh? And who's going to help me make them?"

"Me! Me!" both twins shout in unison.

Five years of marriage, two kids, and a thriving youth center later, mornings like this still feel like a dream come true. We expanded the cabin into a proper house like we planned, complete with a wraparound porch where we drink coffee andwatch the sunrise. The barn went up last summer, and we have two horses the kids are learning to ride.

Nina stretches and runs her fingers through her blonde hair. "I'll get started on the coffee while you three destroy my kitchen."

"We don't destroy it!" James protests from his upside-down position. "We make it better!"