“Your warding spells. They will tell you if your food has been disturbed. You know this is not the case.”

I laugh. When his hand squeezes on my wrist again, I just laugh harder. “You think I have magic?” I sputter. “Seriously? Do you truly think I’d be wandering around in the darkness all the time if I had a whit of magic in my veins? The only thing I have is a blood curse, and it’s not going to assist me with anything.”

He’s silent, those green glowing eyes glaring down at me. “Your potions?—”

“I’msick,” I tell him. “They’re medicine. But at least now I know you’re watching me.” I give him an arch smile. “See anything interesting, Fellian?”

He releases my wrist so quickly that I stagger. In the next moment, I’m alone again, surrounded by nothing but shadows. I rub my wrist, breathing hard, and it takes me a moment to realize that he wasn’t rough with me. I won’t have bruises. I stare out into the darkness, wondering if he’s watching me even now.



“…and so I said to the bard, surely you can come up with a better song than that? We need smiles at court, not frowns and sadness!”

“Mmm,” I say to Balon. I lie on my back by the door, nestled amidst the pillows and blankets. I’m just so happy to hear him that I don’t mind him rattling on about court life and the sheer silliness of it all. At least, I didn’t at first. I was so relieved to hear his return that I didn’t care what he talked about, so long as he talked. But it’s been hours now and he’s not asked about me, nor has he told me anything about my sister. I’m starting to wonder if I’m simply a captive audience for his tales of court shenanigans.

“And do you know what he did next? He played a merry tune, just as I asked!” Balon laughs at his own story. “Isn’t that marvelous?”

“Absolutely,” I say, and then add, “Can I ask you a question, Balon?”

“Anything, my darling princess!”

“Where were you? It’s been a month since you came by.” I don’t say that I’ve been waiting impatiently because I don’t wantto seem needy. I am needy, of course, but I’d prefer not to show it.

There’s a long pause. “I thought you couldn’t tell time inside your tower.”

“Not very well. But I was so excited to see you that I’ve been counting the days as best I can and I know it’s been a while since you were last here. Is everything all right?”

“Everything is fine, Princess Candromeda. It’s just been so busy at court. I’ve scarce had the opportunity to get away. You understand that it’s quite an excursion for me to come out here and see you?” His tone sounds faintly reproachful. “I must keep my visits a secret or else I would be banned from keeping you company.”

“Who would ban you?” I press. “My sister? I don’t think she would. She would understand your devotion. And you said Lionel is off to war.”

“It’s just…it’s dangerous.”

“Only if you try to break me out. Which you said you weren’t going to, right? So what’s the harm in visiting me?” I clutch the pillow close to my chest and turn toward the door. “Did you ask the gods if you could free me?”

“No answers on that front, my love,” he replies cheerily.

I roll my eyes into the darkness. I wonder if he even remembered to ask. “Please follow up with the priests,” I ask, keeping my tone sweet. “You know it would mean everything to me if I could get out of here.”

“You’re very brave for your sacrifice,” is all he says.

I’m struck by annoyance again. Does he think I want to be here? That I had a choice? I’ve been trapped since the moment Meryliese died, with no way out of my horrible destiny. “You’re too kind.”

“Shall I tell you more stories of court?” he asks cheerfully. “It has been quite adventuresome as of late.”

“Actually could you get a message to my sister? Tell her I’m all out of candles and wood? I need them both if I’m to last through the winter.”

“My sweet princess, you know that no one can be aware of my visits here. I dare not tell a soul.”

Dragon shite. He just doesn’t want anyone to know that he’s visiting because it doesn’t suit his needs. “Do you want me to sit in the darkness for the next year, Balon? Because if you don’t tell them I need candles and wood, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. I have to make my medicine and I can’t if I don’t have anything with which to make a fire. Understand?”

“I shall see what I can do,” he says. “But I do wish you wouldn’t be so angry at me, dearest. It’s not my fault you’re trapped.”

I pinch my brow, frustrated. “I know it’s not. I’m not trying to be angry, Balon. I’m just scared. If I don’t have my medicine, I’ll get sick and die. You know this. Please, just tell Erynne I need candles and wood for a fire.Please.”

There’s a long pause. “I will do what I can, my heart.”