Her eyes brighten, crinkling at the edges. “I’m glad that you’ve found contentment, Candra. I just wish it wasn’t with one of the First House. I fear the king has lost his mind. We both fear it.” She glances past me, her gaze settling on her mate, Tolian. “Something must change. Quickly.”
“What sort of change?”
“Darkfell is cursed,” Riza says in a low voice.
“Don’t tell me,” I joke. “You have to give it a potion daily so it won’t be sick.”
Riza makes a face at my attempt at humor. “I’m serious, Candromeda. Everything that could go wrong in the last two years has. I thought we’d be safe under the mountains here in Darkfell. Even if we were captives, we’d be alive, yes?” Her smile turns brittle. “But the goddess remains displeased. If she cannot kill us with the weather and starvation, she will kill us in other ways. There is plague here.”
I swallow hard, all levity gone. “Did you say plague?”
She nods. “It began sweeping through Darkfell shortly after the human captives arrived. You’ve seen the doors with the red symbols? It’s an old Fellian symbol that marks a house stricken with plague.”
I bite back a gasp. I’ve seen those doors, all right. I’ve seen them…and Nemeth refused to tell me what they were. That he thought he knew the answer, but wasn’t sure. It’s just more that he’s been hiding from me.
“We are suffering through a purging, just as the Liosians did,” Tolian says, moving to Riza’s side. She reaches for him and he puts a large hand upon her shoulder.
I also cannot help but notice that he’s missing the first two claws upon his hand, filed down, and I feel as if I suddenly know too much about Riza’s sex life.
“The plague hits quickly,” Tolian continues, unaware of my indiscreet thoughts. “One day a person will be fine and then the next, they cannot get out of bed. Their lungs fill with fluid and by the time their skin is covered in a dark rash, it is too late. Those that are lucky die quickly. Those that are unlucky…”
“It touches Fellians and destroys entire families in the space of days,” Riza adds. “Everyone is afraid it will move to their house next. That is why the streets are empty. That is why thedoors are marked. That is why people cover their faces when humans are near. They think we brought this upon them.”
“And that is why,” Tolian says in a grim voice,” we must stop Ivornath. Because he, too, believes humans have brought this to Darkfell, and there is talk of a purge.”
A sick feeling clenches in my gut. “A…purge?”
Riza nods. “Some Fellians have been killing their human slaves or sending them back outside to starve. The unrest grows by day, and Ivornath hides inside his palace. It’s understandable, given the plague, but if he does not speak up to condemn the destruction of the human captives, I worry we will all be slaughtered.”
Tolian’s hand tightens on her shoulder. “You know I will not let you come to harm,milettahn.”
I’m startled to hear the sweet endearment from another’s lips. It makes me achingly lonely, because I think of Nemeth. I think of how much I love him, and the secrets he keeps from me, and it hurts. “Nemeth has been trying to speak to the king,” I say, clearing my throat. “Surely he can talk sense into his brother.”
They both give me pitying looks.
“Tolian and the Second House are rising up against First House,” Riza says, her tone delicate, her expression careful. She leans forward. “We need the support of the Vestalins to bring the humans to our side. They are afraid, but if their leader speaks up, it will make all the difference in the world.”
Me? Lead? “Erynne?—”
“Is unstable,” Riza says. “I cannot speak to her without her trying to attack me. She does not like the idea of humans and Fellians working together. It must be you.”
My mouth hangs open. “I can’t work against Nemeth’s family. I don’t agree with them—or even particularly like them—but Nemeth has my loyalty. He’s trying to work things out withthem. He’s visiting his brothers. Speaking with them. Trying to make them understand. I can’t betray him.”
Riza shakes her head at me, incredulous. “Candra, you know I love you and want the best for you. But I don’t understand this. How does he command such loyalty from you after what he’s done?”
Every muscle in my body tightens. My stomach churns, and I feel sick. “What do you mean? Whatever his brothers have done, that’s on them. Nemeth is innocent.”
She continues to shake her head, her movements slower and slower. “Oh, Candra. No, love. I’m sorry. Nemeth is just as guilty as the rest of them. They sent Prince Nemeth to the tower to seduce you and win you over to Darkfell’s side. He doesn’t love you. It’s all been a plot to get you to betray your people.”
Istare at Riza, at her familiar, worn face. Her words sink in, but I can’t make sense of them. They float in my head, dancing and circling like flames at a bonfire.
They sent Prince Nemeth to the tower to seduce you and win you over to Darkfell’s side.